Concern. Regard. Protect. What are these synonyms for? In the most basic sense, these words represent care. But what is caring? Well, there are two definitions of the word care, each meaning something different. One being ‘look after and provide for the needs of’ and the other being ‘feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.’ But why two different definitions?
Well, to explain that I need to discuss the difference between caring for and caring about someone or something. Caring for is to look after and provide for the needs of while caring about is to feel concern or interest, or to attach importance to something. For example, caring for means you have strong feelings about someone or thing, but caring about means you express regard for someone or thing but don’t necessarily express strong feelings.
So do the above two definitions make a little bit more sense now? Let me use a real-life example. I care about my friendships. Each one of my friends has an important place in my heart and I wish only the best for their life endeavors. But I care for my dog. I know that his well-being depends on me and I am the one who provides for him. Can you think of your own example of someone or thing you care for versus someone or thing you care about?
Do you understand and feel the difference between the two? You know, caring is also expressed through sympathy, which turns to empathy and then to compassion. Why is this important? I’ll explain. Caring is important because it allows us to understand the perspective of others. Empathy is important because it allows us to feel how it would be from another’s perspective. And compassion is important because it allows us to take some sort of action based on the concern for others. But it all starts with caring!
Let’s take a minute to think about how humans tend to compare. We compare quality versus quantity, good versus bad, and we also compare ourselves to others. Now comparing is used as a means of self-evaluation. One might feel better or worse about themselves depending on how well the group they are working with is doing. For example, Waking Times concludes that choices to attack or retreat are vital, and these choices can be based on how strong you think of yourself and a competitor.
Why am I talking about comparing you might ask? Well, when we compare ourselves with others it can lead to caring too much. It creates a feeling inside of us that many of us hate to admit to feeling. Any guesses as to what I’m talking about? That’s right. Jealousy. Now jealousy in a sense can be traced to caring too much. Caring about a skill that others possess that you don’t. Caring about the success of others that you haven’t achieved yet. You get the picture.
So the reason I’m talking about comparing and jealousy is to highlight the fact that it’s possible to care too much. Think about it. How much better would the world be if humans didn’t worry about how much thinner, curvier, taller or shorter others were? If we didn’t worry about how much more money, success, or recognition others receive? What if we were genuinely happy for the once in a lifetime opportunities our friends get to experience rather than wish we could experience them as well?
To sum it up, yes you can care too much, and it can lead to negative feelings and the constant comparing of yourself to others. But it is still so important to care about caring! Think about it. How does it feel to know you are cared about? Your friends that you can tell your secrets to or rant about your bad day, they feel concern and interest for you and attach importance to you. How does it feel to know that you are or were cared for? The reason I added ‘were’ is because the best example I have for someone that cares for you is parents. And not all of us have one or both of our parents still.. But a parent is someone who looks out for and provides for your needs, most of the time putting you before themselves.
So here’s what I’m asking of you this week: find one way to start caring more. Lift others up, try being genuinely happy about something you’re not included in, or help out with something you may not receive credit for. Comment down below a way in which caring has changed your life for the better! And if you find this post helpful, please share it with others(:
Until next time, remember to have fun and make life as simple as could be!(:
Hair and Makeup by Angela Nunnink Photos by Angela Nunnink Style by Hex the Store