Yin And Yang - The Balance Of Opposites - Earth to Momma

Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Yin And Yang – The Balance Of Opposites

Opposites attracting. Contrasting parts. Balance and harmony. The concept of yin and yang is a part of ancient Chinese philosophy that describes how opposite forces are connected and dependent on each other. For example, light and dark, life and death, and men and women. And I’ve come to realize more and more lately just how connected they are, and just how important they are to one another.

Without sad times I wouldn’t know what happiness feels like. Without understanding loss I wouldn’t be able to fully live. And without knowing fear I wouldn’t know how to be courageous. There truly is a balance, a harmony in the good and the bad. In fact, that’s what yin yang stands for. Those 2 little dots that are the opposite color? That’s a symbol to represent how they rely on each other for balance.

But where is all this leading you may be asking? Well, if we don’t allow ourselves to see and appreciate the meaning of yin and yang in our own lives, the harder it is to find balance and harmony for ourselves. Take the 3 examples I’m about to give. Ask yourself for each one if it sounds like you at all and how you can implement that to work for you.

Pet Peeves

I’m sure we all have a pet peeve of some sort. Whether it’s that friend whose always biting their nails, or your spouse leaving the toilet seat up, etc. And don’t get me wrong. Pet peeves are a totally normal thing to have! I’m sure something I do is even a pet peeve to someone I know. But I also know that something that annoys me about someone else might mean something. Like the Carl Jung quote, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

But it can also lead us to a better understanding of the meaning behind yin and yang. If everyone around us avoided doing things that make us annoyed or irritated, they wouldn’t be living their lives the way they want. And I just want to live my life and make my own choices without having to do or be something or someone else. What about you? If that is how things went, yin and yang wouldn’t be balanced. Which is the fundamental aspect of yin and yang!


Waves are essentially up and down movements. The highs and lows represent the yin and yang balance of life even further. Waves are also used to describe frequency. And the yin yang concept was originally developed off this idea. Going with the flow of life and understanding that there is a cycle, a pattern to life. So, branching off the life and death harmony of yin and yang we can see that without times that try our adversity and resilience, we aren’t able to truly grow. We aren’t prepared for the wave and have it crash over us rather than learn to turn around and ride with it.

I love the quote by Christine Caine that says, “Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried but actually you’ve been planted.” It’s times like these that we need to learn to rely on the cycle of yin and yang. Instead of thinking that things are over, impossible, unattainable, try thinking instead that things are just beginning, possible in time, and attainable to anyone. Yes, including you! Just like there is no light without the dark, there is no good without the bad. But it’s our job to remember that and keep going, even when we can’t see the light…yet!

The One Constant

Change. It’s the one constant we can truly rely on in life. And it’s what represents yin yang at its core. You see, when something is ‘whole’, it’s considered complete which would mean no change. But when something is split into two halves, it is no longer complete and now both halves are trying to find that balance, that ‘wholeness’ again. That’s what yin yang is. Not a perfect harmony of good and bad at the same time, but good and bad happening at opposing times and changing back and forth just as the highs and lows of the waves.

Change is what enables us to have moments of happiness, of courage, of love. Yin is dark, slow, cold. Yang is light, fast, hot. And if you think about it, humankind needs the balance of yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) to continue life. And with new life comes new changes. New ideas and developments and technologies to adapt to. New conflicts and setbacks and ways of life to adapt to. If we don’t allow change, life won’t continue, it won’t improve. But with change also comes unknown things we must learn how to face. Change is what causes the balance and harmony of yin and yang.

Day And Night

Day and night are intertwined into one 24 hour day. It’s just this thing that’s unquestioned. But really there’s a harmony between the two. We just need to be able to find that harmony in our own lives! Whether it’s work and play, self and spouse, mom and woman. These things may feel lopsided and out of balance sometimes, and that’s okay!

The reality with yin and yang is that balance is hard to achieve. It’s not a 50/50 split. Things will seem more yin sometimes and more yang other times. How about you? What does yin yang represent to you? Share in the comments below! I love hearing different ideas and concepts! And for some inspiration on celebrating differences, check out ETM’s blog here.

As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

All my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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