Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Easy, Affordable, & Kid-Friendly DIY Home Decor For Any Space!


Easy and affordable are on more than just Momma’s wishlists. And that’s what I’ve got for you! With the start of a new series! For the first week of each month, the topic of the blog/vlog will be the title of this blog. I’ve already got a few ideas lined up that I’m excited to share, but don’t forget to leave a comment if you have any ideas that you want to see on here! But for now, let’s get to the good stuff!

When it comes to sprucing up the home, most of us look for things that are easy, practical, and affordable. Even when it comes to DIY projects. But the cool thing about DIY projects is there’s always a way to add your own personal touch! And with fun ways to mix it up in the kid’s room, the living room, or wherever, your whole home could end up having an affordable interior designer – you!

This first episode of the series will focus on photos and artwork because that’s a great way for anybody to make a change in their home, even without actually being good at interior design. Like I said, your own personal touch is what makes it really special!

Keep on reading or click on the photo to watch the video!


Photos are a great way for literally anyone to decorate! Not only do they add a pop of decoration to any room, but this is where there’s no doubt about putting your own personal touch on it. I mean, they’re photos of you and your loved ones! We have a variety of photos throughout our home, and it’s hard to pick favorites. But some of the ones that draw the most attention are the ones with handmade frames or our polaroid collage.

My husband and I have even made frames for family members that were a hit! Plus, we like to use clips on certain frames, and with our collage, so we can switch out photos whenever we want. Try making a frame yourself by staining some wood and attaching a clip on the front and a hook on the back. Or even glue staggered wood together to create a unique frame too!


Artwork is where you can get really creative, and also where personal touches make their appearance. Even when dealing with 2 of the same piece of art. (Ever been to an art class where everyone paints the same thing but each one looks different? Me neither, but you get the picture.)

Whether it’s paint-by-numbers, free-hand, or even copying an idea from a vlog or website. Each of these adds something to the home while also feeling or being one-of-a-kind! Check out the video to see some of the paint-by-numbers I’ve done and how they can vary in size. But whether large or small, cardboard or canvas, there’s plenty to choose from to find what fits you and your style! And while this method might not be the fastest, it is easy and affordable. And, you can still say you painted it because, well, you did!

Free-hand can definitely be intimidating, but it’s also a lot of fun and leaves me feeling really proud. Sometimes it turns out better than I expect and others just about how I would expect. But that’s how we get better – practice! Check out the video to see some of the free-hand I’ve done and how the levels can range with each project.

Some are as easy as pouring a cup full of different colored paint on a canvas, tilting it back and forth to spread it to the edges, and letting dry. Others can be more experimental, using q-tips or bubble wrap as tools. And still others can be the actual definition of free-hand, where your details are completely in control of the final product.

Check out the video to see some of my free-hands that are actually hung in our house. Plus, I walk you through a simple tutorial on how to make a geometric patterned canvas with painter’s tape. Easy, quick, affordable! (I bought a 10-pack of canvases from Michael’s for $12 that I’ve used for all my projects and still have some left! Plus, I bought about 20 bottles of 2 oz. paint for about $25 that I’m still using as well!) And, like I said, it will be as if you hired your own personal designer.

What Are You Waiting For?

Like I said, the paint-by-numbers take some time, but if you have the patience and the skill to stay in the lines, it’s as easy as 1-2-3 (4-5-6, you get it.) Free-hand can be as simple or as complicated as you like to start! Try experimenting and using tools, and don’t forget to have fun! If you try any of these ideas, don’t forget to share them on social and tag me so I can see your style! Plus, check out ETM’s blog on DIY crafts for Little One and see what they can do to help decorate their own room!

As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas and others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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