Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Tag: determination

Why Is It So Hard

Why Being Yourself Is So Hard

Just be yourself. How many times have you heard that phrase before? It’s probably one of the most popular phrases in terms of self-development advice actually. But it’s probably as effective as telling someone not to worry. Or as easy as learning multiple languages fluently. You get the picture. So many people out there would […]

why is it so easy to be negative

Why Is It So Easy to Be Negative?

Okay, so be prepared for me to become really nerdy on this one, but that’s because I find this topic so interesting! We as humans all have things in common, and we all have differences as well! The differences are what make us unique, but today I am going to be talking about something that […]

5 Traits of Highly Successful People

It’s no secret that success is something many people work hard to achieve, but what is the true meaning of success? Is it having lots of money? Becoming famous? Having power? Well, in all honesty, the only one who can really define what success means to you, is you. The Oxford Dictionary’s definition of success […]

New Year, New You?

With the new year settling in, I’m sure most of us have made a list of resolutions to tackle in 2018. However, I’m also sure some of us feel as if coming up with New Years resolutions is just another way to set yourself up for a letdown. If that sounds a little like you, […]