Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Tag: self-esteem

Learning How To Celebrate Differences

You know the term ‘opposites attract’? Well, it’s not always true. Hence the term ‘birds of a feather flock together’. But even when you may have a lot in common with someone else, there are always going to be differences to celebrate. Say for example your best friend’s favorite color is green and yours is […]

Fact or Opinion: Which is Right?

How strong are your opinions of others? Are they rock solid? Or do they change as life does? The Oxford Dictionary defines opinion as ‘a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.’ With that in mind, what types of opinions have you formed about those you are closest to? […]

why is it so easy to be negative

Why Is It So Easy to Be Negative?

Okay, so be prepared for me to become really nerdy on this one, but that’s because I find this topic so interesting! We as humans all have things in common, and we all have differences as well! The differences are what make us unique, but today I am going to be talking about something that […]

Relationship Goals

Have you ever wondered how relationships affect your self-esteem? And vice versa? I have always been curious about it. Especially to see if the different types of relationships have different effects. For example, does a relationship with a friend have a different impact on self-esteem than a relationship with a family member? And does a […]

5 Traits of Highly Successful People

It’s no secret that success is something many people work hard to achieve, but what is the true meaning of success? Is it having lots of money? Becoming famous? Having power? Well, in all honesty, the only one who can really define what success means to you, is you. The Oxford Dictionary’s definition of success […]


Have you ever felt like you’ve given it your all but somehow it’s still not enough? I’m sure we’ve all felt that way at some point or another in our lives. But what happens when we allow those types of negative thoughts to linger? To take center stage in our minds when life doesn’t go […]