Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Tag: strength

Fresh Start

Have you ever wanted to push the reset button? To just start over and begin again? Have you ever felt lost for so long that you don’t know how to just ‘begin again’? Have you ever felt like by the time you attempt to start anew, others are so focused on the ‘old you’ that […]

Change Your Life

Hi there. I’m sure many of you have wondered where I might’ve disappeared to for the past month. Well, to be honest, I haven’t really gone anywhere. I’ve been dealing with certain life circumstances that have caused me to draw back socially. You see, on June 14th, my father passed away. It was sudden and […]


Here’s a question. Do you aim to be fearless? To really, truly fear nothing? I don’t. I don’t wish to never be afraid, and honestly, I don’t think you should either. Here’s why: fear can actually be beneficial. Wait, what? I thought fear could be harmful you might be thinking. Well, yeah it can be. […]

why is it so easy to be negative

Why Is It So Easy to Be Negative?

Okay, so be prepared for me to become really nerdy on this one, but that’s because I find this topic so interesting! We as humans all have things in common, and we all have differences as well! The differences are what make us unique, but today I am going to be talking about something that […]

Learning to Love Yourself

Ahhh, self-love. What is it really? And why are more and more people compelled to find the meaning of it? Throughout history, self-love was considered borderline selfish and vain. In fact, there are still many cultures today where collectivism is dominant. This means it is more important to care for others than yourself (typically family). […]