Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Embrace Change to be Successful

5 Ways to Embrace Change

Change. 62% of people are afraid of it. It is a word that has many meanings. Which is ironic because there are also so many ways in which one can change. Change is necessary. It is inevitable. And most importantly, from it comes growth, success, and so much more. What is it that causes us to fear change then? Is it fear of the unknown? Fear of failure? Or is it just plain stubbornness because we are comfortable and content with the way things are? Well, according to Forbes, people evaluate the world based on a four-step process. It is called the FIRE model.

First, we notice some Facts. Then we make Interpretations based on those facts. We then experience emotional Reactions and finally meet some sort of Ends. I’ll use an example. Let’s say your landlord asks you to move out within 60 days for whatever reason. (Something happening to someone I know personally.) This is your Fact. You will then make an Interpretation about having to move.


You see, we use factors such as past history and experiences, as well as personality to make interpretations. 38% of people have mostly positive experiences with change and will, therefore, have a positive emotional Reaction. Something like, “Change is good. I’m ready to face this challenge!” However, 62% have had mostly negative experiences with change and will have a negative emotional Reaction. Something closer to, “Oh man, what’s going to happen now?”

Based on reactions, positive ones will lead to the desired End of, “I’ve been meaning to take that step for a while now. Maybe I just needed that little extra push.” However, a negative reaction may lead to an End that sounds a little bit more like, “Change makes me anxious. What if I can’t find something in such short time?” So, now that we have more insight into what it is that causes us to fear change, let’s talk about how change is vital to growth.

Change helps us to become more flexible and able to adapt to different stages of life. It also is a way of presenting opportunities to us that we might not have pursued otherwise. And most importantly, it helps us all learn! But my favorite part, for someone who considers herself in the 62%, is that we get to experience more and find out who we truly are(: When we step outside our comfort zones, we enter a transitional phase. We do more things that we wouldn’t have otherwise, find new things that bring us joy, and learn what we actually do and don’t like.

Embracing Change

So if you’re interested to see what’s in store for you, I have five tips to help you embrace change and use it as motivation to grow!

1) Enjoy the journey.
As humans in this day in age, it’s all about results, results, results. So many of us make decisions based on preparation and don’t like to take big risks. The reason for this is because we don’t want to invest too much of ourselves if we find that we actually want to do something else instead. Try not to worry about that! If you try something new and find you don’t like it, at least you know you don’t like it. I’ve always heard that people’s biggest regrets in life are the things they didn’t do. Try to keep that into consideration the next time you’re afraid to make a change(:

2) Start small.
Of course, it can seem daunting to immediately go out and make drastic changes! I am glad you want to step up and make that change and just go for it. But, starting small and having those little successes that add up can really give you that confidence boost when trying to make more major changes! Is there a dream job you have that might seem like it’s just a bit out of reach to have? Well, start by finding out how to meet those qualifications. Interview someone in that position. Find out what it takes and work hard to get there. It also helps to have courage and trust in yourself(:

3) Fail early, fail often, fail forward. 
This quote from Will Smith resonates with me in so many ways. When trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone, it is important to listen to both your head and your heart. Try new things as early as possible. That way you’ll know if you like it or if you should move on. *Fail early. Also, did you know that those who change jobs often tend to be more successful in their careers? This is because they are not afraid to admit that they don’t like that path and would rather try something new. It also shows that they would rather not waste their own or their employers time and move on. *Fail often. And most importantly, learn lessons when failing and evolve into a stronger you. *Fail forward.

4) Avoid looking back.
Life is constantly moving and changing and evolving and you name it. Try to avoid focusing on the past. Yes, you made mistakes. We all made mistakes and still do! What’s done is done and you should focus on who you have become thanks to the past and imagine the person you will be(: Yes, people will still judge you based on your past. But I’m willing to bet there will be people who will judge you based the present, as well as the future. Forget what anyone else thinks you should do or be! Live your life according to your own standards, and you’ll be the only person whose judgment even matters.

5) Embrace the unknown.
The majority of life is dealing with uncertainty. This is just a fact of life. So when dealing with change, big or small, ask yourself what the worst case scenario is. If ‘failure’ is your answer, then you should still go for it! Remember that failure is a good thing, and know that there’s always the chance you could, you know, not fail. I know I am personally guilty of falling victim to my nerves when it comes to the unknown. But lately I have been trying to remind myself to not be afraid of what could go wrong and instead get excited about what could go right(:

Fail Early, Fail Often, Fail Forward

So, those are 5 tips I have been working on implementing in my life when it comes to embracing change. If you have any tips that work for you, I want to hear them in the comments below! I love learning new ways to grow as a person(: And if you found value in this post, please share with others who may as well!

Until next time remember to have fun and, make life as simple as could be(:

XoXo – Branndolynne

Hair, Makeup, Style by Angela Nunnink          Photos by Angela Nunnink

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