Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Stop Anxiety From Stopping You

Anxiety. For those who have experienced it, you may very well know how much it can hinder day-to-day living. Whether it’s an upset stomach, clammy hands, or forgetting to breathe normally. Even if it’s the worsened symptoms like dreading small activities, or developing a panic disorder.

I can tell you firsthand how difficult anxiety can make the most mundane aspects of life. I’ve experienced stress and fear when seeing someone I know in public because I don’t know what to say. I’ve experienced fear of speaking in front of others to the point where I switched to homeschooling. Heck, I’ve even experienced the nervousness of a new job to the point where I’ve almost had an anxiety attack.

Lately, my anxiety has reared its ugly head again due to some overwhelming circumstances in life right now. And let me point out that these circumstances are positive ones. Compared to some other circumstances I’ve dealt with in life, these should hardly compare to that. But for some reason, here’s my anxiety popping up again.

But while anxiety can be a huge drag on us mentally and physically, weirdly enough, it also has some benefits. I know, right? That’s why I said ‘weirdly enough’. So I thought it would be a good idea to discuss anxiety, how to battle it, and what positives can come from it if we’re willing to be open and patient. So let’s dive in.

What Is Anxiety?

First of all, let’s break this thing down. Anxiety actually has more than one meaning. The first being characterized as a feeling that we have as human beings. More clearly: “A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” The second being characterized as a disorder determined by a psychiatrist. More clearly: “A nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks.”

That means that there is a difference between having anxiety and feeling anxious. Most, if not all of us feel anxious. We tend to worry about an upcoming deadline at work or school. We tend to worry about meeting new people, especially intimidating ones. And we tend to worry about the opinions of others even if we really shouldn’t. (I’m making myself work on this one.)

But not all of us have anxiety. If you don’t, I’m not really sure if I can describe it in a way that would help you understand. But I think you might be able to get a good idea from reading this blog. If you do have anxiety however, then you have every idea of how crippling in can be on your health. Panic attacks are just one side effect of having anxiety. And let me tell you, they are no joke.

What To Do?

So, what can you do if you do have anxiety? Well, there a a few ways that I personally try and work on it myself. One is to see a therapist. No, there is nothing wrong with this and absolutely nothing about it to be ashamed of. I see a therapist once a week, and have since a short time after my father passing. And I can tell you personally that it has helped me tremendously. I can also tell you that it has not worked as well for my brother, who chooses not to go. I can’t promise you anything, I can only tell you what has helped me.

Another way I try to work on my anxiety is to ‘catch myself’. What I mean by this is to talk to myself (in a non-crazy way.) If I notice that my heart is about to beat out of my chest, I’ll ask myself what it really is that I’m so anxious about. If it’s not that big of a deal, I tell myself just that. I tell myself that it’s okay to feel this way, but that there’s no reason to if I really think about it. Things will work out how they work out. And in the end, it’s better for me to try not to worry so hard about it and just let things be.

One last way I try to work on my anxiety is to, and hear me out on this one, face more of it. What I mean is when I’m anxious, 95% of the time it’s because I’m doing or facing something new. And what happens when I face that ‘new’ thing over and over again? It’s not so new anymore. And when it’s not so new anymore, I’m less anxious how things will turn out because I have a little better of an idea.

What Good Can Come From This?

As I mentioned earlier, there actually are some benefits that come with anxiety. But what the heck could those even be you ask? Don’t worry, I did too. Well, one is that anxiety is like a built-in warning signal. Like to keep me from entering unsafe circumstances. Or to indicate that certain areas of my life are off track and need some adjustment. You know, to pretty much bring awareness to things.

Another benefit is that anxiety can actually be a motivator. Huh? Yeah, I know. Hear me out. Consider it like this: maybe that stress could actually be used as an incentive. An incentive to put extra work or effort into a project or goal. An incentive to give a good impression (perhaps for an interview.) Or even an incentive to stop trying to do what isn’t working and find a way that makes things work. Anxiety can actually lead to growth and self-improvement.

Another benefit that anxiety can lead to is empathy. Those who face anxiety are more likely to be understanding to the issues that others face. Having gone through personal struggles yourself can make you more sensitive, loving, and accepting. This is where true interaction can take place and deep friendships and bonds are formed. When friends and family members are dealing with personal challenges, you understand and are there to help them.

Where To Go From Here?

Look, anxiety can negatively affect and impact all of us. It affects our careers, our relationships, and our personal aspirations. If we let it get the best of us. But there are ways to fight through anxiety and overcome it. There are benefits to the feeling of unease we get. We just have to understand what anxiety is, have a plan of action, and learn from it.

What about you? Do you go through crippling anxiety and have a method that helps you? Please share in the comments! You never know, you could be the one who changes someones life! And if you’re in need of a post to help get you through some hard times, check it out here.

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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