Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Low-Waste Christmas Ideas For Beginners

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed with the Christmas season? Well, I can 100% relate to that! Between working a part-time job, running a business, maintaining relationships with my fiancé, brother/’kid’, friends, family, and other loved ones…I am beat! But here’s the thing about it all: it’s so worth it! All the stress from prepping and planning holidays is actually for something!

Think about it. You wouldn’t be so stressed if it didn’t mean so much to you to make it a meaningful time for others. I think we all just tend to gear our frustration in other directions sometimes. So this year I decided to take what bit of stress I can away from the whole situation. Something that will also make me feel good after Christmas is over too. If you need a hint, maybe the title of the blog will help!

So what are some ways to implement a low-waste Christmas? *Note that I said low-waste and not zero-waste. But hey, if you’re aiming for a zero-waste Christmas, then you go right on ahead rocking your thing! Well, I have 3 ideas that I’ve personally used during Christmas that have not only helped out the environment, but also my conscience. Here they are!

Reusable Wrapping Paper

Whether you’re actually buying wrapping paper purposed to be reused or creating your own, there’s no wrong way to do it! While it’s easier to buy reusable wrapping paper, it can be a lot more fun to DIY! For ideas on purchasing reusable wrapping paper, just look at the selection on Amazon (or Etsy preferably to support shopping small).

You can buy it to gift along with your actual gifts for your loved one to then re-gift later to others. Or you can use it to wrap a gift for a loved one and ask them to return it once they open it so you can use that as their own special gift wrap. It’s really up to you how you want to do it, and the possibilities are close to endless!

If you’re going the DIY route like I did, then make sure before you start to remind yourself that it’s okay if you are not a pro! I for sure as heck am not but it still makes me feel good doing it! And I have an interesting story to tell if someone asks about it. Just rip apart some used shopping bags, maybe give it your own personal touch, and voilá! (Just make sure to recycle when you’re done!)


This one is probably the easiest of all! And it’s really simple when you think about it. When you buy someone a gift, especially through a 3rd party, it creates a lot of extra waste. But when you create a gift for someone, the waste leftover is really pretty minimal because of the effort going into it. (And who really wants to put in more effort than necessary?)

Also, when you DIY a gift for someone, it shows the thought you put into the gift for them. Now don’t get me wrong! You can absolutely put just as much thought into a gift when buying instead of DIYing! I am just speaking from personal experience how much I love handmade gifts and what they mean to me.

The last reason this option is easier is because of the financial reasons. Gifts are not cheap, even when you factor in the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. But the money is always worth it when it comes to a loved one! However, when you create a gift for someone, you can really make the dollar stretch so to speak.

Save Dat Money

This one might sound cheesy to some, but I’ve actually done it for years. I’ve even been made fun of by some of my close friends and family, but I don’t care! Here it is plain and simple – I save stuff. What do I mean? I mean I save wrapping paper. I save tissue paper and bags. Saving is awesome!

To be honest, I’ve always hated ripping open wrapping paper. I always find a way to open the tape and unwrap the present to save the paper. Or I will save tissue paper that comes in bags to re-gift to someone else. I’ll even save the bag if there’s no name on it! (Which I normally do because I like to include a card anyways.)

I will even save some of the boxes that packages go in because I know they can come in handy somehow. Especially if they are fancier and sturdier! (I have a shoe box that opens in a really cool way with a floral pattern on the inside – you bet I’m going to keep that!)


In the end, the gifts you are either making or buying for your loved ones are from you. No matter what, they will love it! Whether you’re trying to be low-waste this year like me or you’re not ready to jump on the train yet, your gifts represent the thought, time, and effort you put into it. So be proud of yourself!

Plus, if you have any low-waste Christmas ideas that you implement, share ’em down in the comments below! You never know, you could be the one who changes someone’s holiday season from here on out! And if you’re looking for some other ways to implement some eco-friendly changes, check out ETM’s blog here.

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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