Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

How To Keep Calm During Chaos

We seem to be at a point in time where history is in the making. But to be honest, aren’t we always? From the urgent matter of reversing the effects of climate change to the first ever elbow greeting between presidential candidates rather than the traditional handshake. Life has always, and will always be, full of the unknown. But how can we stay calm and collected when we as humans have this intrinsic need to feel like we’re in control?

And how can we be in control when we are facing the unknown? How do we know which choices are best for us to make when we’re facing something we’ve never faced before? (And when I say ‘we’, I mean those of us that are alive. To be honest, people have dealt with times like this throughout history.) Well, we can’t be in control, but there are certain things we can control.

So, I’ve come up with my 3 best ideas for staying calm and collected during all this chaos. Tweak them and make them work for you, or come up with your own! Here we go.

Come Up With A Plan TOGETHER

The best way to try to curb chaotic feelings and overwhelm within your own home is to come up with a plan. Together! Don’t just create a plan and tell it to your family. Get your kids involved! Get them to come up with ideas too so that they feel apart of the solution. Sit down with your family and go over the facts, the things that are KNOWN during this time. For example, the best thing we all can be doing is washing our hands and sanitizing surfaces.

In case you don’t already know, kids aren’t the cleanest things in general. And they don’t always have the greatest attention spans. So a great way to get them to understand the importance of being clean is a fun way! There is actually a great video of a kid-friendly activity to demonstrate how germs react to soap here. Not only is it great for teaching Little Ones (and us adults) the importance of clean hands, it holds their attention the whole time!

If your Little One is too little to get involved in the planning process, still try to find fun ways to teach them the importance of staying clean early on! Keep hand sanitizer around and create fun ways to apply it each time. Sing a song while they rub their hands together so they don’t finish until you’re done. Or pretend that once it’s rubbed on it can give them super powers. Whatever works best for you!

Better Safe Than Sorry

If it makes you feel more safe (and you can afford it) stay home with your Littles and loved ones! To be honest, many places are requiring it anyway right now so even though you may not be able to afford it, it might be your only choice. But here’s how to make the best of it. Kid-friendly activities are your best friend right now! If you’re tired of watching the same Disney movie over and over, consider trying a new sensory activity!

One idea is to fill a tub or bucket with different kinds of grains and using different items to collect and fill. You can separate by color first, start over and separate by shape next. You can even make shapes with hot glue to have your Little ‘treasure hunt’ in the mixture. Find new ways to change it up each time and one activity can turn into ten!

There are so many good ideas out there to keep your Little One entertained while also teaching them new concepts! Find the ones that work for you and your Little and give them a go! Whether it’s the classic finger painting, reading books, or even something you create on your own. Just make sure it’s fun for you too or things can get chaotic in your own home!

Do Your Research

In my opinion, the unknown is what causes panic more than anything else. When we don’t know what harm something can cause us or our loved ones. Or to what extent something will affect us (in this case death). But there are certain things that are known. And that’s what we should focus on. Don’t take my word for it. Seriously, go do your own research! Find out what you need to find out, what steps you can take, and take them!

It won’t do you or your family any good to panic. Stay calm. Keep yourselves healthy and clean, and most importantly, find resources! It’s important to remember to stick together during times like these too. We may not be able to see each other physically, but we can reach out! Text, call, video chat, whatever! There are even communities on social media for people to come together and connect!

Start small. Find out what precautions have been laid out by the CDC. Find out what you can do to protect you and your loved ones. Try not to listen to all the mumbo jumbo from just anywhere. Come up with a game plan – together. Like I said earlier, people have dealt with times like these throughout history. We will get through it. We just have to do our research, stay calm, and stick together!

If It’s Not Alright, It’s Not The End

You ever hear that saying, “Everything will be alright in the end. If it’s not alright, it’s not the end”? That’s the phrase I’ve been using to describe this pandemic. Everything may not seem okay right now, but that’s because we’re still smack dab in the middle of it. I know it’s hard to keep calm during this chaos, but it’s important if we want to keep our health (and our sanity).

What do you think? Do you have any more great ideas on how to stay calm and collected? Share ’em in the comments below! You never know, you could be the one who helps a family get through this happier and healthier! And if you’re looking for ways to get through this cold and flu season that we’re dealing with on top of all this, check out ETM’s blog here.

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! We encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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