Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

3 Ways To Reduce Plastic Use Items In Everyday Life

If you’ve ever wanted to start your own eco-conscious journey but felt intimidated or overwhelmed, you’ve come to the right place! One of the easiest ways that I think anyone can start their journey is by reducing their plastic use. And it’s as easy as 3 simple steps!

Plastic Cups/Straws

One of the first ways I reduced my plastic use in my own life is by taking reusable cups with me to my favorite drink spots. Due to COVID guidelines though, that’s not allowed anymore. But that doesn’t mean you have to completely miss out! Even though you can’t control the cup that your drink comes in, you can control how you drink it. Certain hot drinks come in a cardboard style cup which already is a plus. But iced drinks tend to come in plastic cups, which is entirely up to the business. So what can we do? Well, we can either choose not to use a straw and sip it, thereby reducing your plastic use. Or, if that’s not an option, (sensitive teeth anyone?) then bring your own reusable straw or wait until you get home to drink it! One of my favorite companies is FinalStraw but you can use any old one from Amazon as well.

*I don’t remember where I got the metal straw in the video but the tumbler is from Etsy.

Reusable Containers/Lids

If you already have Tupperware in your home, that’s just fine! The goal is to reduce the amount of plastic waste you reduce, not completely eliminate! This one is more for people who would like to reduce their waste of single-use plastic items like Saran Wrap and Ziplock bags. And there’s lots of ways to do it! One of the easiest ways is to find a solution for leftovers and on-the-go. I love these reusable pouches from Boon Supply which are BPA-free and proceeds from your purchase are donated to a local organization of your choice. Win-win! These container lids from NetZero Co. are awesome and multi-functional too so there’s no need for extra dishes and a microwave cover/jar opener included! And one of the best options out there for us and the planet is Bee’s Wrap storage wraps. (Sold at ETM by the way!)

*The silicone baking sheet from the video comes in a two-pack from Amazon.

Cleaning Supplies

Household cleaners 99% of the time come in a plastic bottle that will end up getting thrown out. And the more you clean, the more you go through! So one of the easiest ways to change that is by simply making the switch to concentrated cleaner and reusable bottles! Plus, this method makes the cleaners and soaps last so much longer which is always a plus. I ended up buying a multi-pack of spray bottles from Amazon and some soap dispensers from Amazon too. For my concentrated cleaners I use Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner and Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Castille Soap. All it takes is one capful of cleaner or soap concentrate into the bottle and fill the rest of the way up with water. And with the concentrate making the product last longer, it’s more time in between disposing of the plastic bottles they come in. (Which is already a plus compared to before when throwing out all the bottles!)

*The soap dispensers I bought use a foaming pump which is why they’re more expensive but it also helps the soap last way longer.

Baby Steps

One of the main reasons I think people tend to get overwhelmed or intimidated by starting this journey is because they think of it as an all or nothing approach. But this is your life and your journey. Go at a pace that feels comfortable for you! And like I said, it’s about reducing your use and waste, not completely eliminating it. As long as you’re making conscious decisions about what you buy and use in your home and life, that’s a phenomenal first step! Keep that momentum going!

Keep your eye out for more videos to come! And leave a comment about something else you’d like me to cover. Also, check out ETM’s blog about other ways to take action and make change happen quick here. As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas and others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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