Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

22 Ways To Celebrate The Earth On EARTH DAY!

Earth Day 2021 is officially here! Even if you think you can’t make a difference, or don’t know how, this is a list of 22 ways that ANYONE can help champion for the Earth! (After all, Earth Day is April 22!) Technically, Earth Day is 3 days long, with different places celebrating at different times. But, I’m choosing to celebrate them all – April 20-22, so there’s plenty of time do do at least one, if not somehow all of these for Earth Day. Plus, all of these are win-win for people and the planet! So let’s dive right in!

*The vlog is too big to upload here but click the photo below to watch.

1 – Get Outside

Okay, this one is pretty self-explanatory. Just get outside! Go be in nature and appreciate all that it is and all that is does for us on a daily basis!

2 – Tune Into Earth Day Live is hosting a 3-day event of climate action, in action, streaming live from April 20-22. Check out all the details here!

3 – Cut Electricity Use

Turn off lights. Unplug things that aren’t in use. Naturally climate control your home by opening/closing windows and curtains at appropriate times of the day. Whatever you can think of!

4 – Donate has a direct fund for help restoring the planet here, or you can donate to their partner The Canopy Project here where every dollar donated plants a tree. Consider donating to The Nature Conservancy here, whose purpose is to, well, conserve nature. Or here at WWF is also a great place to donate to as they are committed to making change in 7 sectors from food, climate, wildlife, forests, freshwater, and oceans. Or any of your own personal favorite organizations!

5 – Organize A Cleanup

Whether with your community or riding solo, cleaning up your local community is a great way to help! From roads to beaches, or wherever you can think of! Take to social media to spread the news and possibly get some volunteers too!

6 – Start A Veggie Garden

Even if you’re not a green thumb and don’t necessarily have the experience, this one is still pretty fun to get into and try! I didn’t think my attempt would go as well as it is, and it’s a great way to reduce the amount of food waste you produce as well as the distance from park to fork, which affects things like carbon emissions!

7 – Plant Flowers

Planting flowers is just as fun as the veggie garden! Plus, you get your own fresh-cut flowers without paying whenever you want, and the bees and butterflies have a bigger chance of coming back from endangerment. A win-win!

8 – Reduce Plastic Use

I actually made a vlog/blog on this not too long ago, and it’s simple enough for anyone to try! Check it out here!

9 – Shop Eco-Friendly

Eco-friendly, sustainably-sourced, and ethically-made products are a win-win for everyone! From the safety of the people using them to the planet providing the resources to make it, these practices make sure things can maintain a balance with humans and nature! That’s why Earth To Momma was made, where you can shop here. Or, look for companies that are certified as B Corporations, which means that their procedures and policies are safe for humans and nature from start to finish! Plus, second-hand is always a great option to give an old piece a new life!

10 – Spread The Word

Tell people you plan on celebrating Earth Day and see who might want to join in! Friends, family, coworkers, whoever you can think of – The more the merrier!

11 – Use Reusable Items

This is something I try to do as often as I can, even though I know covid guidelines make that a bit harder in some areas still. From straws, cups, and utensils, to napkins, skincare, and bags! It’s pretty much limited to your imagination and what people are making/offering for products right now!

12 – Contact A Representative

Google names and contact info of people in your local government/policy making sector and reach out to them. Tell them your concern and ask them to do something in their position of power to make a change. If that’s too much for you, you can also check out WWF’s Action page to advocate for changes in national policies here by simply signing your name.

13 – Start Composting

Okay, this one might seem intimidating. I know, because that’s exactly how I felt until I watched a video that made me feel more comfortable and confident. So I took the plunge and purchased this one! It’s not here yet, but if you’re still unsure after watching this video, give me a month and I’ll have an update vlog so you can really decide if you want to take the plunge yourself!

14 – Switch To Paperless

Everyone has bills they have to pay every month. But we don’t have to get a bunch of envelopes in the mail to just recycle in the long run. Switch to paperless billing! And just so you’re not forgetting to pay on time, consider switching to autopay, or even write down info in your planner/calendar!

15 – Wash In Cool Water

Washing in cool water not only saves energy but saves money too! Talk about a win-win! Plus, more types of detergents are making it so their detergent works just as good in cool water as it does in hot. (Which is typically known for keeping whites extra white!)

16 – Plant A Tree

I also planted some citrus trees when I started my garden – lime, lemon, orange, and pomegranate! Trees are free oxygen, plus, these varieties produce yummy goodies! If you’re wanting to plant a tree, try citrus! Or, look up native species in your area to plant so you’re not doing more harm than good in the long run!

17 – Invest In Green Companies

I just recently starting investing and green companies are the first place I put my investments! They are a little more conservative, so you won’t get as much money as quickly. But, it’s also not as volatile, so not as much risk! Plus, it’s a way for me to stand for what I believe in, and they stand for a better future! Who can’t get behind that?

18 – Write To Your Fave Companies

Where do you do your most shopping? What are their procedures concerning sustainability? Maybe try reaching out to them to see if they’ll consider implementing more sustainable policies! It’s definitely something that more and more companies are finding that they need to turn to sooner or later. Plus, customer loyalty is always important!

19 – Host A DIY Party With Friends

Get together with friends and make natural products and tools! Get creative and have fun on this one! Make sugar scrubs or natural bug repellants! Make raised flower beds for your flower or veggie garden! The list is as endless as your imagination!

20 – Learn To Recycle Properly

Recycling is a great practice in and of itself! But, did you know that you have to recycle properly or else it can be a waste? For example, an empty greasy pizza box is cardboard. But if you were to throw it in the cardboard recycling, you could ruin an entire bins worth of recycle unintentionally! So, even though we might have to do a little more work and put in a little more research, it’s definitely worth it!

21 – Sign The Climate Literacy Petition

This is a step for every school in the world to have compulsory, assessed climate and environmental education with a strong civic engagement component. This will ensure that students across the world benefit from high-quality education to develop into informed and engaged environmental stewards! To add your name to the petition, click here.

22 – Get Kids Involved

Whether it’s just one or all of these ideas, get the kids involved! Teach them about the politics so they can stay informed. Get them to participate and let them help make or create change of their own! It truly is a win-win when we learn to do things that take care of the planet that takes care of all of us. After all, the same finite resources that we have are the same ones that our children will have, and our children’s children. So let’s make them last!

Let The Party Begin!

Tomorrow is the start of the Earth Day celebration! Which one of these ideas will you try for this Earth Day? Remember to post your green movement celebrations to social and tag @earth_to_momma on IG or @earthtomomma on FB! And don’t forget to celebrate your wins, no matter how small! And as always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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