Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

7 Steps To A Safer Summer & Peace Of Mind!

It’s summer in the northern hemisphere. Temperatures in the triple digits, high UV scores, plus other sorts of threats are present each and every day. If we aren’t careful, we run the risk of overheating and causing damage to our bodies. But it’s summer! It’s a time where kids get a break from school, family trips are planned, and other meaningful memories are made. So what do we do?

Well, we don’t have to permanently choose to be inside just because of the heat. We can split our time up between the two and still have just as much fun! Plus, Little Ones tend to function better when they’re able to change up environments every so often. So enjoy summer for all that it’s meant to be! But just incorporate these 7 steps while you do so summer can remain safe and fun!

And, as always, feel free to click on the photo to watch the video!

Otherwise, let’s get into it!

Step 1: Water

Water is probably the most important thing you can remember during summer. Considering the human body is up to 60% water, and the fact that summer heat makes us sweat more than any other time of the year, we need to replace the water we’re losing. And not only that, the amount of water we take in seriously impacts our energy levels and brain function while helping us to regulate our body temperatures. So again, I can’t stress how important it is to remember to drink plenty of water on a daily basis!

Step 2: Sunscreen

Look, I know there’s people out there that say that they don’t use sunscreen. And I’m not actually going to try to prove to those people today why they should. Honestly, that’s each person’s prerogative. Instead, I just want to remind everyone that Little Ones can’t take care of themselves like we can. Even if they need sunscreen, they won’t know it or understand the significance to ask for it. So you do you when it comes to sun exposure, but please make sure to keep some on hand for your Littles! (And don’t forget – ETM now has sunscreen for even the most sensitive skin!)

Step 3: Gear

Protection, gear, whatever you call the handy little items that keep us extra prepared for the sun. From sunglasses to hats, even umbrellas to create shade if need be. There’s no shortage of ways to keep ourselves and our Littles protected from the sun while still having fun! There’s even protective clothing designed to protect from the elements as well. So you don’t have to avoid the sun, you just have to make sure to keep yourself and your family protected from it.

Step 4: Breaks

Like I said earlier, the heat doesn’t mean we have to stay inside all day. But, with extra heat we should also take some extra precaution. Simply take a break from the sun every so often. Go inside if you can, cool off, and let your body temperature return to normal. Then go back outside and do it again! Littles really do stay stimulated and engaged longer and less cranky when their environment changes now and again. And if you can’t go inside, at least find some shade and cool down by drinking plenty of fluids.

Step 5: Gradual Changes

This may seem counterintuitive to the last step, but it’s a little different. When I say gradual changes, I’m talking about your core temperature specifically. The last step refers to body temperature. But this step is really important when it comes to our health. When we become overheated in any form, it’s important to return back to a baseline. But, at a gradual pace. Don’t drink ice cold water after spending time in extreme heat can shock the system and make us sick, which actually dehydrates us more. So when it comes to core temperature, gradual is key!

Step 6: Property

This may not apply to everyone, but for those who have homes with property, it’s always smart to be fire safety ready. That means mowing or weed-eating a fire line, removing dead trees and brush, and keeping power lines clear. Not only does this help protect your home, loved ones, and precious belongings safer during scary times, but can also help you feel more confident leaving your home knowing it’s as prepared as can be!

Step 7: Ready To Go

Again, this may not apply to everyone, but it’s a good idea for people in all types of living situations. Having your residence labeled with pet information in case of evacuation, having a go-bag ready in case of emergencies, and having a home-preparedness plan in place. Make sure everyone in the home knows the key items that must be grabbed and where they are, as well as having a buddy-system and safe meet-up location decided ahead of time. Like our grandparents taught us, and like their grandparents most likely taught them – ‘Better safe than sorry’!

Peace Of Mind

Whether you’re a parent or not, everyone can benefit from these steps to a safer summer. And not only will it be safer, but more enjoyable too knowing you can have peace of mind. The first 5 are for anyone and everyone! Please, write them down if it helps you remember. Place them on your wall or in your notepad, make a checklist to hang by the door, whatever you can think of that will help you get into the habit. That way, it will become second nature to remember these things, to incorporate them into your everyday life during summer!

And if you’re looking for some help with getting on track with habits, check out ETM’s last blog specifically on that topic here. And as always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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