Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

My Journey to a Better Life

I Choose Happy

Have you ever woken up one day and thought to yourself, “I really want to change my ways of living?” Not because you have done horrible things and can’t live with yourself, although I have been there before too… But because you’ve realized that if you want things to be better, you need to be better.

Have you ever woken up with that thought over and over again each morning? Well let me tell you, it can be a s**t feeling, but it’s also the most empowering feeling I’ve ever felt. To know that I’m in control of how my life turns out, no matter how good or bad. The empowering part is knowing I want good. So how to get there?

I Choose to be Happy

The bright side is, it’s not actually a destination. It’s a mindset. So it’s actually a lot easier to get there than I’ve limited myself to believe. You see, many people (including myself) think that for things to start heading in a positive direction, something positive needs to happen to them. It’s like we’re waiting for a signal or sign from the universe that when we try, bad things won’t happen.

Not a very good way of thinking, no pun intended. And I’m not trying to bash on anyone out there. That was literally me until not that long ago. But as we get older, we get wiser. The world can be mean to you and you can be bitter right on back, but I’ve learned that it doesn’t get you farther. It doesn’t get you the things you want, and it definitely doesn’t make you happy.

Or, the world can be mean to you as it is to everyone else, and you can do your best to keep on pushing forward. To fight for the good, for what you want. And that’s what my brain was trying to tell me every morning I woke up with that thought. To do everything in my power to start living the life I want.

I Choose Good

That’s what I’ve chosen to do. From here on out, I will work harder to make my dreams a reality. No more waiting on a sign from the universe, no more wondering if what I’m doing is the right move in the eyes of others. And most importantly, no more letting the negativity of the world affect my ability to be a good person.

I choose good. I choose happiness. And I choose to represent those qualities in myself from here on out. Yes, life will present us with challenges that may cause us to feel otherwise, but it is important to not let that become who we are.

Until next time, let’s make life as simple as could be(:


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