Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Downsizing/Decluttering Your Mind and Life

Have you ever considered the benefits of downsizing? The mental clarity? Helping others in need? Feeling accomplished and ready to tackle more? If you caught Friday’s newsletter, you know that’s how downsizing makes me feel!

I spent the better part of this weekend organizing and decluttering my mind and life. And as I was doing it, I realized not only how good it makes me feel, but how good it can actually be!

Let’s start with mental clarity.

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by everything going on in life and don’t know how to gain control back? I often get that feeling when I try to tackle too much at once. I’ve noticed that when I start to go through things, keep what I need and get rid of the rest, life starts to feel more manageable again!

When I take the time to see what things are actually helping me vs. hindering me, I’m able to focus more on what actually needs my attention. And when I’m able to give my attention to what needs it most, I’m actually benefiting myself and my mental clarity when it comes to being overwhelmed.

What about helping others in need?

This one’s actually pretty simple once you understand what I’m talking about. When we downsize, we have things (often many things) that we need to get rid of. They are either no longer useful for us, or we have outgrown or upgraded over time. What can we do with these things that no longer serve us? Let them serve others!

Just because something isn’t of use to you, doesn’t mean it’s useless. I’m sure you know the saying, “One mans trash is another mans treasure.” Well, that’s not exactly what I’m saying. If something isn’t useful for you anymore because it has become trash – put it there. What I’m saying is if something just doesn’t feel useful for you anymore, donate it!

Man downsizing and giving to homeless person
Feeling accomplished yet?

Honestly, this one might not apply to everyone. But I know that when I have taken the time to downsize and declutter my mind and my life, I feel like a new person! I feel like I’ve just kicked some serious butt and I’m ready to kick some more!

I can now see more clearly (literally and figuratively) and I feel good about giving to those who may need it. I’m not saying this is hero-status. It’s just an easy (and free) way to get rid of what you don’t need while possibly giving to those who might. So, will you try downsizing?

It’s Easy To Make A Difference

At the end of the day, there are some really simple things we can do to make a positive difference in our lives and others – no matter how small. What are some things you can think of that have made a difference? Check out ETM’s blog about giving back and drop your ideas in the comments below for some inspiration for the rest of us!

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! We encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

Happy Labor Day!
With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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