Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Leaves Are Falling, Activities Are Calling

I don’t know about you, but this time of year for me means more opportunity for quality time with loved ones! It’s a chance to watch a movie as a family with some blankets and popcorn. It’s time to decorate the house together while the smell of fall illuminates from candles in the background. But more importantly, it’s a time of year to show your loved ones how much you care and appreciate them (even though that should be year round!)

Take a second to think about some of your favorite fall activities. What do they involve doing? How many of them are you going to be able to do this year? Most of us will say, “All of them!” However, I know that there are actually a few people who struggle to find fun and exciting activities. So I’ve compiled a list of 3 things to do with your loved ones and 2 things to do by yourself for some serious fall enjoyment!

Try whichever one resonates with you, or try ’em all! My only intention is to bring a little bit of joy to your fall festivities! And as always, add your own spice to any activity you try to make it truly special and unique to you!

Family or Date Fort-Night

No, this has nothing to do with the video game at all. It has everything to do with actually building forts. Yes, forts. Like those things that we used to build as kids, or sometimes do still build with our own kids. The goal of this is just to have fun! Here’s how it works:

Step 1) Decide whether it will be a family night or date night.
Step 2) Pick a movie accordingly. Try to make it one you haven’t seen before.
Step 3) Turn your living room into a fort. *This is the where you can get reeaallly creative! Use your couch, every pillow/blanket you have in your house, create a secret password, whatever you can think of!
Step 4) Enjoy your all-time favorite snack while watching your movie! (Examples include chocolate covered popcorn, caramel apples, etc.)

Photo of homemade fort.
Family or Date Adventure-Night

This one is actually a lot of fun! It also has a little bit of a mystery aspect to it for the serious adventure lovers. The goal of this one is to enjoy being in the moment and letting go! Here’s how it works:

Step 1) Decide whether it will be a family night or a date night.
Step 2) Pick an activity accordingly. (Examples include seeing a movie, bowling, going out to eat, etc.)
Step 3) Pick out outfits for each other. *This is where you can get reeaallly creative again! Make them mismatched and funny, create a theme for everyone, whatever you can think of!
Step 4) Give each other names to use for the duration of the activity.
Step 5) Enjoy your activity together using your alternate identities!

Photo of woman kissing man.
Date Meet-And-Greet-Night

This one, as the title implies, is for dates only. No kids. Find a babysitter for a few hours, or use one of your parents, or a friend who will do it for free. (Yes they do exist – I would gladly do this for any of my friends!) The goal of this one to appreciate your partner in new ways! Here’s how it works:

Step 1) Pick a restaurant that both of you agree on. Try to make it one you haven’t visited before.
Step 2) Pick a time to eat (either lunch or dinner) and make a reservation.
Step 3) Get ready separately and meet up at the designated time and place. *This is where the creative part comes in! You are going to act as if you are meeting for the first time and actually going on a date!
Step 4) Enjoy your date together learning new things to appreciate about each other!

Photo of a man about to eat dessert.
Singles Day/Night-In

This one is the ultimate relaxation activity! And since it has everything to do with you, you get to decide what’s included on your agenda! But for reference sake, I’ll give an example of my own ideal night in. Here’s how it would work:

Step 1) Let my family know I have decided to have a ‘me-day’ or ‘me-night’.
Step 2) Stock up on some of my favorite ‘necessities’. (Examples include ICE-CREAM, hair and face masks, my favorite lounge wear, a book, some essential oils, candles..the list could go on.)
Step 3) Find a nice, quiet place to be alone. (Examples include a bath tub, a reading nook, your couch after you’ve kicked everyone else out, etc.)
Step 4) Enjoy myself and relax!

Photo of woman reading a book.
Singles Day/Night-Out

This one is the perfect opportunity for you to get out of your comfort zone and possibly find yourself in a new one! Again, since this has everything to do with you, you get to decide what’s included on your agenda! But for reference sake, I’ll give another example of my own ideal day out. Here’s how it would work:

Step 1) Pick an activity (or 2 or 3) that I can do by myself.
Step 2) Get all fancy and dolled up (because I can.)
Step 3) Sit down and order a meal at a restaurant, take myself shopping, go sight-seeing in a nearby town, whatever I can think of!
Step 4) Treat myself!

Photo of woman sight-seeing in fall.
What Is The Meaning Of Fall After All?

So whether this season is all about more quality time with your loved ones, more fun activities to do and create, or whatever your happiness is, enjoy every bit of it! Try a new activity (or a few.) Find more ways to give back when you can. And most importantly, find ways to be grateful.

Got any other great fall ideas? Share ’em below! You could be the person who brings value into someone’s life!

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! We encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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