Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Fun Summer Activities For Little Ones To Enjoy Outside!

Summer will officially be here in 13 days, which means it’s a great time to be outside and have some fun! Plus, with littles around, outdoor activities help stimulate their brains in different and new ways. And it also gives them the freedom to imagine, create, and explore. There are almost too many ways to have fun outside with Littles, but I’ve got just a few ideas to help get you started!

And if your Littles aren’t on the same wavelength when it comes to doing outdoor activities, or even in the same age-appropriate bracket, there’s still ways to have fun outside for everyone involved! It may involve a little more effort and work, but it’s worth it when they’ve got all their energy out and are ready to wind down inside.

With summer comes warmer weather, obviously, so it’s always important to remember the health and safety of Little Ones is super important. As always, use your best parental instincts (or guidance if you happen to be watching other’s Littles). Don’t forget sunscreen, water, and break periods from the heat. And, of course, to have fun!

As always, feel free to click on the photo to see some of the activities done for you in video form, otherwise, let’s get to it!

Related: Fun Learning Activities To Do With One Year Olds
Getting Creative

There are lots of ways to have fun outside. And one of the easiest ways to get started is by using your imagination! Ask your Little One what they would want to do. A lot of the time, they have some pretty creative and interesting ideas! From playing house to treasure hunting to building to you name it. Sometimes though, they could use a little help coming up with ideas, and that’s where you come in.

Perhaps suggest painting rocks. It’s more fun than one would think, and from there Littles are pretty confident getting creative! Paint strawberries, ladybugs, butterflies, or even abstract art. Plus, this is a great activity for Littles of all ages! For older Littles, let them use real paint. For younger Littles, give them some water and paintbrushes and they’ll have just as much fun and stay engaged!

If you don’t feel comfortable giving your younger Little rocks to paint on, construction paper and water works just as well! The point here is to allow Littles the freedom to create while staying stimulated. Plus, it can be an additional confidence booster when your Little walks by their art in the driveway or garden or wherever it’s displayed! And, homemade art is not only better in my opinion, but it’s also more affordable too!

Bring Inside Out

I know sometimes it may seem hard to entertain multiple Littles outside. But I know there’s also so many ways to do it I could’ve included 50 different ideas and it still wouldn’t be all of them! And I also know that would defeat the purpose. The point of this article is to inspire you to get outside with your Littles and have fun in their own unique, individual ways! I’m just throwing out a few ideas to get you started.

How about bringing indoor toys/activities outside? It’s a great way for Littles to get the best of both worlds, especially if they’re not the biggest fans of outdoor activities to begin with. Think of their favorite toy, one that can keep them engaged and entertained. Can they play with it outside? If the answer is yes, then give it a try! What will most likely end up happening is that your Little will find a way to incorporate the outdoors into their activity anyways.

Whether it’s a Hot Wheels track to assemble or stacking or measuring cups to play with sand or dirt. Or even balls (or different small toys) to sort between two containers. Add in some utensils for added stimulation! Get your younger Little set up with their activity while the older one does what they can on their own. Then help the older Little finish what they need help with. Then just switch back and forth between Littles while they enjoy their activities!

Water Play

Like I said, the health and safety of Little Ones is super important when it comes to spending time outside. (Think sunburns/sun blisters, heat exhaustion, etc.) But being outside not only is fun and can keep Littles stimulated, it also has lots of benefits! It gives them vitamin D from sunshine. It creates a healthy mindset and lifestyle. And it allows Littles the opportunity to build confidence through risk-taking.

When it’s hot out, what feels better than fun games mixed with cool water? From running through the sprinkler to slip n’ slides, water tables to water balloons, there’s so many ways to have fun with water play! Obviously some Littles will take a liking to certain tasks more than others and vice versa. But it’s definitely possible to make it so everyone is having fun!

For younger Littles, something as simple as a trickling hose can do the trick. For older Littles, try getting them to use their imagination and creativity with a ‘sink or float’ game using different objects. Or even simply helping to water the garden, lawn, etc. to help build confidence in them as well! When Littles incorporate nature into their activities, it gives them a better understanding and respect of it!

Related: Fun & Easy DIY Crafts For Little One
Let The Fun Begin!

Aside from a great way to pass the time, it’s also a great way for Littles to get their energy out! What activity can you think of to have fun outside? Whether it’s as simple as running around, a dance party, drawing with chalk, you name it! Like I said, there’s so many ways it’d be impossible to name them all in this post. Instead, try some that I’ve named here or some that you think of on your own, and let the fun begin!

As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas and others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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