Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Your Little One – Your Ultimate Excuse

Have you ever heard the phrase by Chili Davis that says, “Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional”? Well for me, that is how I like to live my life. Actually, it’s a mix of that and the feeling that I’d rather spend money on a memory/experience instead of worrying about what the money should really be going toward.

Some people might call me naive, and that’s okay. I’m not trying to tell anyone else how they should be living their life. I’m trying to explain how I like to live my life while throwing out some fun ideas that you can try if you’d like or not. It’s really up to you.

I’ve always loved children’s movies and games, and even going places that are primarily designed for kids/families. Why? I have no idea, I just love it! I even cry during parts of animated movies – I’m sure I’m not the only one. But what is one good thing that comes out of loving kids stuff? Well, if you have a kid, you have an excuse!

Ever wanted to go to Disneyland? I’ll bet your Little One does too! Are you obsessed with all things festive? Your Little One probably loves it too! Just say you’re doing it because you want them to have the experience! It might seem a little cheesy, but who can really argue with the logic?

So, if you’re like me and are dying to let your inner child out, use your child as an excuse to do it! Here are 3 ways you can start using your Little One as an excuse:

Creating Memories

There’s no question that every parent wants their child to be able to create memories and have experiences. So what better way than for you to get fully involved as their parent/guide? Is it your Little One’s first holiday? Celebrate it however you see fit! Who cares if they’re not going to be able to remember it when they’re older? You will!

Is your Little One older? Take them on trips! How about Bubba’s First Pumpkin Patch Trip? Or Chica’s First Day At The Zoo? Or even Lovebug’s First Camping Trip? It honestly is pretty easy to turn any mundane task into an experience that will create memories to last a lifetime!

Photo of woman with her baby at the park.
Milestone Markers

It’s pretty obvious that Little Ones grow fast. Like, too fast. So why not celebrate every chance you get? Is your Little One turning 1? Find a fun way to celebrate and throw whatever kind of party (big or small) you see fit! So what if it’s something they’ll never remember? You’re baby just turned 1! You’re not going to not make a big deal out of it.

Again, is your Little One a little bit older? How about their first trip to a movie? After you snap a pic, you can even ask him/her questions on the car ride home! “What was your favorite part of the movie?” Or how about their first day of preschool? Yes, you can get them all dressed up. Yes, you can buy a board to announce all the cheesy things you love about your Little One and take a photo. And yes, you can cry as much (or as little) as you want.

Photo of baby with milestone marker.
Dress to Impress

I’m sure you’re already aware that you are the one who controls what your Little One gets to wear. (Well, at least for now.) So you know what that means? You get to dress them as cute or as dorky or as matched to your attire as you want! Got a little girl? Mommy-and-me outfits are literally what I look forward to as an accomplishment in life! Got a little boy? He can be a mini cowboy, or a mini surfer! Even if it’s just for a day!

Are you a hair stylist for your Little One? Do you picture all the easy, laid-back styles for them to rock? Or the picture-day look with the perfect ‘do for them to sport? Either way, the fun part is it’s up to you to decide all the fun and quirky aspects of your Little until they’re old enough to decide themselves. So enjoy it while you can!

Photo of matching mom and baby clothes.
Photo from Pinterest
Is It Worth It?

Do you have a favorite item you can’t live without for your Little One? Maybe it’s a sling or wrap for free hands to get stuff done? Perhaps it’s a jogging stroller for easier trips out with Little One? It could even be your favorite swaddle blanket that serves multiple purposes. The point is you can’t live without it, right?

Well, here’s the thing. If you can’t live without it, why would you sit there and guilt trip yourself about whether it’s worth the cost or trouble? Please don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself for doing what you feel is best for you and your child. If it’s worth it to you, it’s worth it. Period.

What do you use your Little One(s) as an excuse for? Share some ideas in the comments below so Mommas don’t have to feel so alone! And if you’re looking for some ideas about ways to have fun with your Little this season, check out our blog here.

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! We encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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