Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

The Perks Of Being Loud, Weird, Awkward, And Unique

You probably never thought you’d hear someone string those words together in a sentence. You also probably never thought someone would do that and use the term ‘perks’ with them. But that’s exactly what I’m here to do today. To debunk any doubts you may have about feeling or being that way. And to explain those perks and how you can take advantage of them to live your life to the fullest.

Let’s dive right in!


Most of the time, ‘loud’ isn’t necessarily looked at as being ‘good’. The loud kids in class are shushed. Loud cars are looked at with sneers or smirks. Loud adults are considered, well, inconsiderate. I think you get the picture. So how can being loud be good, you might be asking? Well, first of all, you’re able to be yourself in a world that scrutinizes people’s every move. That’s an immediate plus! But you’re also able to do more than you may even realize. You can use the power of your voice to give a voice to others who may be too afraid or are otherwise not able to. That’s a plus bigger than many people give credit for!


Obviously, weird is a trait that some are reluctant to admit. And it doesn’t surprise me. ‘Weird’ kids are looked at and treated differently. ‘Weird’ teens often have hard times finding people to get along with. Even adults that are ‘weird’ are made fun of for not fitting in to society’s norms. But what’s so wrong with weird? Weird is just different. And since when is different bad? The last time I checked, each person is their own person, entirely different than the rest of every other person on this planet. Shouldn’t we be celebrating that? Weird people get to be themselves because they’re not wrapped up with the thought of others judging them for simply being themselves.


There are actually many definitions for the term ‘awkward’, and I can relate to different ones at different times. If you’re awkward yourself, you know what I mean and there’s really just no explaining it. But being awkward is actually a blessing in disguise! It simply means you’re authentic and willing to put yourself out there regardless of how things might end up. And whether you know it or not, you’re actually helping others just by being your ‘weird’ self. They can see and realize that it’s okay to embrace their inner ‘weirdo’ and always be true to themselves. It shows that you believe that people who truly like you for the real you will stick around and that you’re willing to be strong to let go of the rest.


I truly believe every human being alive is unique. In every way possible. From looks to thought patterns to what will make us the happiest, we’re all different. And like I said before, different is good. I mean, think about it. Why would we all have fingerprints uniquely specific to us if there weren’t a reason for us to be different. We may not be happy with a certain set of circumstances that play out for us from time to time, but we’re the only ones who can have it happen to us. We were born in a certain time, a certain place, a certain location, to certain parents. It’s really quite amazing to think about. So why would you squander the unique aspects about yourself that make you unique?!

The Highs And The Lows

Like I said, there are perks of being loud, weird, awkward, and unique. And I want to take a moment to thank the woman who has helped me discover this and find the perks in myself. If you haven’t heard of Tiffany Jenkins over at @jugglingthejenkins I highly suggest checking her out! She has helped me through many dark days and learn so much about myself.

As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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