Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

How To Maintain Control During Crazy Times

As you already know, there’s a lot going on in the world right now. From the critically-ill to those who have passed. From losing jobs to those who are on the front lines. We have schools closing and hospitals passing capacity. We truly are facing times where we don’t know what it will look like in the end or when the end will be.

As things become more uncertain and out of our control though, there are still things that we do have under our control. Look, I’m not going to pretend things are okay, because they’re not. It’s a scary thing we’re all dealing with, but that’s exactly the point. We’re all dealing with this one problem, the corona virus, together.

So what types of things are under our control? Well, the one most obvious thing that I won’t go into too much detail about but is worth mentioning, is attitude. Our attitude toward facing the unknown, or the potential problems to pop up, is one thing that will help determine if all the rest is going to work. Without the right attitude, none of these things I’m going to talk about will actually help if you’re not willing to let them. If you’re not willing to be bigger than your problems.

But if you are, then read on.

Routines and Schedules

Bedtime routines for Little Ones, morning routines for ourselves, a daily schedule of things that need to get done. These are all things that remain under our control. Plus, they’re most likely already ingrained into us. Well, besides a daily schedule, that’s most likely changed a bit now. But we still have control.

Your Little One is used to their routine by now, nothing has to change about it. Even if they’re old enough for school, there’s no reason to stay up late and sleep in like it’s summer. Stick to a routine of having a bed time, waking up at a certain time, having schoolwork, activities, and things to do during the day.

Even if your Littles aren’t old enough for school! If you aren’t subscribed to my newsletter (which is 100% free btw) I created some activities for you to print and use to help with this exact thing! Shoot me a comment down below and I’ll send you the link! Sticking to a schedule/routine is also super helpful to keep your life organized and on track until things can get back to their ‘normal’ state.

Nutrition and Rest

Our bodies will not take care of us if we don’t take care of them. Period. And our bodies can do some amazing things too! So please take care of yourself. Eating healthy can be hard to do when you’re not able to spend extra time at a grocery store picking out what you need. Especially if you’re not going to the grocery store as often as you used to. But it’s still important!

Heck, even getting dressed can seem like a daunting task when there’s no reason to do it. Exercising is easy to put on the back burner, especially if you’re used to going to the gym and can’t anymore. But again, it’s still important! Moving our bodies every day is not only good for our physical health, but it helps our mental health too. And we could probably all use a little mental help right now.

Sleep is probably the last thing on anyone’s mind during all this as well. (Or it’s the first depending on your life choices.) But sleep has been shown numerous times to actually help with our health! It improves concentration and productivity and it can even improve speed, accuracy, and reaction times. Plus, we all know how much it can help our mental well-being when we wake up on the right side of the bed.

Being Mindful and Helping Others

It’s no secret that many people are struggling right now. Whether it be financially, health-related, or any of the possibilities in between. So if you find yourself in a position to help others, anyone else, then please do. Whether it be sending a care package to those in need, buying from small businesses that desperately need it right now, or even just keeping your distance from loved ones even if it kills you to do it.

It could even be sharing content on social media to spread the word faster or creating a virtual space for a community to come together, or just being a listening ear to someone who needs to vent. Whatever it may be! This is the perfect time to come together because that is how I feel we will get through this.

No matter what it is, try to be of some help in any way. You never know when you might need that helping hand in return! Also be mindful of what needs to be done in this time. If staying at home can help save lives, do it! So many out there are risking their lives to help save others. It’s the least all of us can do!

Alone Together

There really is a lot going on the world right now. But like I said, as uncertain as it may seem, there are things that we can start each day knowing that we have control over. It’s not going to be easy! But I never said it was. It’s going to take all of us doing our part to make sure this comes to an end. And when it does, we’ll be better humans and a better community worldwide!

What do you think? What are some things you are grateful to still have control over? Share your ideas in the comments below! You never know, you can help change or even save someone else’s life! And if you’re looking for ways to keep yourself calm during all this pandemonium, check out ETM’s blog here.

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas and others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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