Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

The 6 Areas Of Self-Care To Focus On Now

When it comes to self-care, everyone can benefit. And I mean everyone! Regardless of your age, race, religion, financial status, you name it; a good self-care plan benefits our health, our well-being, and our happiness! In fact, so much research has been done on the benefits of self-care that studies have found that there are actually 6 areas that we can work on day-to-day to improve our lives!

For anyone who thinks that self-care is just eating healthy, and maintaining proper hygiene, they’re very wrong. Self-care is so much more than that now. It’s everything from our relationships to our emotions and everything in between! And for those who are curious, I’ve put together a list of the things that I personally do to practice self-care every day. I want to point out that this is just a guide, or suggestions rather, to help you see what types of things can improve different areas of self-care and help you decide for yourself accordingly.

Check out the video or read below to learn more!

The 6-Part Self-Care Guide

  1. Physical – The body. Things like diet and nutrition, exercise and activity can be self-care. Getting enough fruits and veggies, however that looks to you. I like to ‘juice’. Not a juice cleanse or special juice diet, but I like to incorporate things like beets and cucumbers and even spirulina – things that I don’t necessarily like – into juices that go down quick and easy! Moving your body every day for 30 minutes, however that looks to you. I like to do anything from Pilates to dance cardio to walks in nature. Anything that helps me forget about the time while it passes!
  2. Phycological – The brain. Things like journals and podcasts can be self-care. Training the brain to see the positive, however that looks to you. I like to write in my gratitude journal every day six things that I can think of for the last 24 hours. And I also write 10 goals that I want to accomplish in 10 years, but I write them as if they’ve already happened. Training the brain to remember and focus, however that looks to you. I use a planner to keep me on track with time. If I look at my planner and see that I have a certain amount of time to get something done, I’ll start getting to work. If I look at my planner and see that a certain self-care activity still hasn’t been done that day, I’ll stop what I’m doing and get it done.
  3. Emotional – The feels. Things like journals and hobbies can be self-care. Not the same kind of journal, but one to document feelings and emotions, however that looks to you. I use a feelings journal. To write what happened that day, what I liked and didn’t like about it, and so on. I look back every once in a while to see what progress I’ve made and what needs more work. Expressing the self artistically and creatively, however that looks to you. I love to make macrame, paint, do puzzles, build legos, and take photos. They all feel therapeutic and are a cool way for me to express the feelings or emotions I have sometimes.
  4. Spiritual – Connection to a higher power. Things like yoga, reading, and walks in nature can be self-care. Centering yourself, however that looks to you. I like to read books and learn about spirituality and the universe. I like to ground myself in nature by stopping what I’m doing and just listening. Focusing on this moment right now, however that looks to you. I like to remind myself that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised – today is all that I have for sure. It reminds me of the significance and power of everything working together.
  5. Relationship – Connection to others. Things like attending events and reaching out, or trying new things and thoughtful conversation can be self-care. Creating connection with others, however that looks to you. I’m actually in the midst of trying to make new friends because I truly believe the relationship of friends has a powerful impact on our lives so I’ll keep you updated on that! Fostering connection with others, however that looks to you. I actually love trying new activities with my loved ones or just going out for a bite to eat and catching up! It’s an important reminder that even just a short thoughtful time with someone can make the world of difference for my well-being.
  6. Professional – Career. Things like workshops or peer support groups can be self-care. Finding a career path that you enjoy, or at least can stand, however that looks to you. That’s why I started this company. I know that I want to work and make a difference in the lives of Little Ones and also the planet, and I love what I do! Making the best of tough times, however that looks to you. It’s not always easy to find a job or career path you love right away, which is why I’ve worked multiple part-time jobs while trying to get ETM off the ground. But finding like-minded people or people who are in the same situation as me has helped me get through difficult times without feeling alone.

The A,B,C & D’s Of Self-Care

Just remember when it comes to making a self-care plan that a) these are only suggestions to be used as a guide, b) it should fit your life and abilities, c) it shouldn’t feel daunting or like a task, and d) to reflect inward and even ask outward if need be. The more you practice self-care, the easier it becomes. And the more you practice self-care, the better you’ll feel in the long run! And for more ways anyone can improve their life, check out ETM’s blog here. As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas and others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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