Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

3 Habits Of Genuinely Happy People

I’m really excited for this one. Because as much as I sit here and write it for others, I’m also writing it for myself. Have you ever found yourself saying (or thinking) if ____ happens, then I can be happy? Trust me, if you answered yes, you are far from alone.

But what if ____ never happens? Or what if it takes a long time to reach or achieve ____? Are you going to wait to be happy? Or my best question yet – Are you really going to let your happiness hang in the balance like that? Tied to a time or event that may or may not come or happen?

You shouldn’t! None of us should let our happiness be dependent on anything other than being happy itself. Is it harder to do from time to time, just being happy for happiness sake? Yeah, it can be. But is our happiness worth it? Yeah, it should be.

So how do we get to a place where we not only focus more on happiness, but can allow it to flow through us even when it’s hard? Practice, practice, practice. And maybe a few pointers from people who tend to be happier in life despite their circumstances. What are the pointers? Let’s go over them together!


Being present and in the moment. As hard as it seems, the people that tend to be more happy find ways to do this. To not feel forced or rushed onto the next thing. To be fully absorbed in whatever it is they’re doing. And the kicker – To not feel guilty for being mindful.

How to incorporate this habit into your life? A deep conversation with a loved one, snuggles with your child or pet, and even getting out in nature. Watching a movie, enjoying a hobby, or tinkering on a project. Whatever it is you’re doing, be fully there when you’re doing it.


As the saying goes, “When you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it.” So it makes sense that when we focus on the badness in life, we’ll have more of that too. And even though it can be hard to not focus on the bad when we’re in the midst of a bad situation, it can help change our mindsets.

How to incorporate this habit into your life? Focus on silver linings or rainbows. A roof over our heads, food in our bellies, heartfelt laughs with loved ones. My dogs are always something I’m truly grateful for because they show me unconditional love even in the midst of my most awful situations.


When was the last time you had a good laugh? The kind that makes your cheeks hurt, or makes your ribs ache, or causes uncontrollable crying? Whether or not it’s recent, I’m sure you remember the feelings that come with it. For me, it’s peace of mind, lightheartedness, and feeling seen. It’s one of the best feelings in the world.

How to incorporate this habit into your life? Meet with a loved one once a week and let it all out, watch a comedy, or hang out with a little kid. (Trust me, they can make you laugh without even trying.) Find something that brings a good laugh, and make sure it’s a constant in your life.

Pursuit Of Happiness

As I’m sure you know, every human has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Some choose to look at this as happiness being just out of reach. But I choose to look at it as each of us being able to pursue what makes each of us happy. It can be different for each individual, so pursue your unique version of happiness!

As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community. I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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