Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

5 Household Gadgets Under $25 That Are Life-Changers

Sometimes we just want things to be short, simple, and to the point. Well, look no further! As the title implies, we’re going to dive into 5 gadgets that I use that have either saved me time, money, energy, or all 3 combined! And I want to point out that when I say ‘gadget’, I’m not talking about a technologically advanced piece of equipment. I’m talking about your everyday, run-of-the-mill household item that I call gadget because of the way it improves my life. So let’s get to it, shall we?

1 – Manual Tube Roller

Out of all the gadgets on this list, this is the cheapest. This little gadget helps roll your toothpaste (or other similar style tubes) so you get every last drop out! There’s different kinds like the one I have in the video that rolls the tube or simpler ones that just slide along the tube. I got mine for $1 in the Bullseye section at Target and it was completely worth it. I had even bought a new tube of toothpaste before finding this that I haven’t even opened yet because my old tube is still going! If you can’t find one in your local Target there’s similar options available on Amazon for about $7 or the sliding kind for about $6 for a 4-pack.

2 – Pill Box Organizer

This gadget is great if you’re someone like me who can’t remember if you already took your pill for the day or not. This helps me easily see if I’ve taken my pill for whatever day it is and move on. (That is, as long as it’s somewhere that I can see it!) I got mine for $5 at Target, and yes, it’s still available in store and online. I do know that some people need to take more than one pill a day though, and for that, there are double-sided organizers like mine for about $5 from Amazon or cool timer caps that tell you how long it’s been since you last opened the bottle for about $17 for a 2-pack. A stress-less solution to an everyday occurrence!

3 – Tub Shroom

When it comes to gadgets that save time, money, and the occasional struggle, this is it! It’s simply a tool that is inserted into a drain – be it a sink, tub, or shower – and collects human and pet hair as well as other debris. And trust me when I say it works! It may not be the funnest to empty out every once in a while, but we haven’t had to clean out a clogged drain since we started using it. I got mine from Amazon for $13, and yes it’s still available and comes in different sizes and shapes to fit any drain. Looking for a shower shroom? It’s only $14 from Amazon. A tub and sink shroom combo? Only $17 from Amazon. You’ll thank yourself later!

4 – Cork Bill Board

This gadget might not be for everyone, but anyone can be a pro using one! It’s simply a square cork board that we use to keep track of finances in the house. We hang ours by our calendar/shopping list to create a streamlined area to stay on top of everything. It’s got everything from grocery receipts to upcoming bills to registration notices and more. Even if bills are on autopay, we still put them up there to remind ourselves how much money will be taken out and when. I got mine for $8 from Target, and yes, it’s available online and in store. Plus, you can get creative! Get a hexagon-shaped one for about $9 or a rectangle-shaped one for about $12 from Target.

5 – Reusable Cotton Pads

This is by far one of my all-time fave gadgets! *Shameless plug alert! I got my reusable cotton pads from ETM’s main site for $20, which might seem like a bit of an investment for some. But considering I’ve had mine since the company launched almost 2 years ago (I think I accidentally say 3 in the video), they definitely have saved me money over time! Plus, they’re 100% organic cotton so they’re friendly on you and the environment. Just use them, throw ’em in a wash bag, and into the laundry – easy as that! You can even apply skincare products or use them for nail polish removing pads, whatever you want really!

Spend $50 To Save Hundreds?

Even considering the fact that I got lucky and scored a tube roller for $1, you can still spend about $53 to get all these products yourself that will actually save you hundreds of dollars in the long run. From the little bit saved on toothpaste and skincare products by not having to buy as often to who knows how much on tools and product to clean out a clogged drain. From hundreds saved from not buying disposable cotton balls/pads or makeup remover wipes to who knows how much on late fees and interest from not missing another due date on a bill. It really boils down to this: Would you spend $50 to potentially save hundreds in the long run? I know I would, and I did! From money to even time and energy, these gadgets have 100% been worth the investment for me. Are you willing to give it a go?

And in case you didn’t see last week’s blog/vlog, I definitely recommend checking it out! It’s full of info for parents and non-parents alike as well as some stuff some people might not have thought about. Watch or read it here. And as always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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