Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

FUN Summer Activities For Little Ones To Enjoy Inside!

If the title to this blog looks familiar, that’s because recently I posted one titled pretty close to this but for outdoors. However, this last week there was an intense heat wave in my community. Which kind of brought outdoor activities to a halt. Well, for the most part. We were still able to enjoy some water activities, but even then, we could only do it for short periods of time before having to come back indoors.

But fear not! There’s always a way to beat the heat! Whether you have a younger Little, an older Little, or a combination of the two! I’ve got an idea for each of these scenarios, and as always, I tried to make them no-prep or as low-prep as possible while being affordable if not free. And as always, feel free to click the photo to see these in action!

Photo that links to video on fun indoor summer activities

Otherwise, let’s get to it!

Related: FUN Outdoor Summer Activities For Little Ones To Enjoy
Noise Makers

Okay, so this one might not be for everyone. But let me tell you, it’s a great way to occupy both younger and older Littles! Simply make one ahead of time yourself to let the younger one play with while you’re then able to help the older one make their own. All you need is an empty container (with a way to keep it closed), and anything you want or. can think of to fill it! I just used a mixture of rice and pasta for the one I made in the video to show that you can keep it simple, easy, and cheap.

Not only is it an audible stimuli, but a visual one too! And to extend the activity and get the most out of this time, let the older Little One decorate the outside of their noise maker too. They can tell stories with the pictures, show it off to friends and family later, etc. Plus, the younger Little will love a little added visual stimulation on theirs too!

Scavenger Hunt

This one is a great way to occupy older Littles, and as you might’ve already guessed, it’s just like an outdoor scavenger hunt but indoors. What I like to do is leave the objects to be looked for out of their ordinary place. That way when my Little solves the clues, they can then engage with the object they found rather than being too excited to just continue on with the hunt.

And if they aren’t interested in engaging with the object, I’ll just say, “Let’s put this back where it belongs then and see if the the next clue is waiting for us there.” That way this activity can teach them to tidy up and put their things where they belong (if you’re into that). If not, it still helps with problem-solving, memory, and reading skills.

Treasure Hunt In Edible Sand

It can sometimes be hard to keep a younger Little occupied with the same activity for long. But not with this activity! And not only does it keep them occupied, but it also helps them practice gross and fine motor skills like the pincer grasp. Plus, it allows them to get their sensory play in all while being safe to put in their mouth/eat. All you need is a semi-large bowl or container of any sort, some objects to bury, and some crackers, oatmeal, baby cereal, or substance of your choice to turn into sand.

Simply grind up the substance until it’s basically a fine powder to prevent choking hazards and pour into the container. Then bury the objects (that are also safe to go in Little’s mouth), and watch them go to town! And to extend the activity and get the most out of this time, you can also use a larger tub to fully immerse Little One and all their treasure in!

Related: FUN Learning Activities To Do With One Year Olds
Beat The Heat

Whether outdoors or in, there’s plenty of ways for Little Ones to have fun this summer! Plus, as long as you use your creativity and imagination, you can put your own twists and spins on different activities too! So try one, two, or all of these out and let me know what you think. And if you find that you’re enjoying yourself (or your Little One is) tag ETM on social media so I can see!

And as always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

Related: 7 Fun & Easy DIY Crafts For Little One

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