Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

5 Easy Ways To Reset & Recharge Anywhere & Any Time

This week I want to keep things short, to-the-point, and memorable. Because I want anyone who reads it to be able to take something away from it. I’m currently dealing with my own ‘off season’ right now. And this is something I find myself facing from time to time. It’s nothing major! Everyone has a variety of seasons that they go through in life. But when we find ourselves getting stuck in an off season, the best thing to do is reset and recharge to get back to a better place.

So I’ve got 5 ideas that are easy to do and memorize in case you find yourself stuck in another off season of your own. If even one resonates with you, please take it with you and practice it so you have it as a tool in your arsenal! I use some of these on a daily basis, and others maybe twice a year. The point is to be able to have a few tricks up your sleeve to take with you and use wherever you are and whenever you need! And as always, feel free to watch the video for a more in-depth explanation!

Otherwise, let’s get into it!


I’ve talked about this one so many times before. Whether it’s my daily gratitude journal, or a blank journal to just vent in and get whatever feelings I’m feeling out. Whether they’re positive, negative, mixed feelings, or any other emotion! Sometimes I’ll circle back to past entries in new ones, and other times I’ll move on because airing out my frustrations can be enough. So if journaling is something that you’ve found is able to help you out, perhaps try practicing it on a more regular basis! And if journaling just isn’t for you, keep reading!

2-Take A Walk

Getting out in nature and breathing fresh air can be one of the best ways to reset not only physically, but mentally as well. And if you’re someone who already goes on a walk regularly, find a way to change it up! I take my dogs on a walk in the same area almost daily. So when I need to reset, I’ll sometimes leave them at home so I can allow myself to focus more on my surroundings than on my responsibilities. Or I’ll take them with me to a new location so I’m still able to reap the benefits without leaving them behind. So give a short walk in nature a try, and if it still doesn’t help, keep reading!

3-Soothing Activity

The first two are things that I practice almost daily to improve my mood and attitude, but there are also things that I do every once in a while that help too. Getting a massage is something that I’ll do twice or maybe three times a year. I have an incredible massage therapist that I go to and will not go to anyone else. I leave there feeling refreshed, reset, and recharged on a whole other level. And this counts for anything that feels soothing and relaxing – mani/pedi, lashes, fishing or some other activity for men, etc. As long as it’s not something that’s already incorporated often into your life, go for it! And if this idea still doesn’t cut it, keep reading!

4-Wardrobe Haul

I know this term can be used loosely. The version I’m talking about is getting rid of, as opposed to getting a bunch of. Out with the old, and making space for clarity! In the past I’ve talked about my twice-a-year clothing haul. In the spring and fall, I switch out clothes that haven’t been worn at all in the last 6 months. I have a system for monitoring this and keeping myself accountable by tying twine on each hanger. At the next switch, I’ll donate anything that still has twine on it. This helps me feel like I’ve just pushed the reset button and like I have more room to work, think, and breathe! And if none of these ideas work for you, I’ve got one more in store!

5-Spend Time In Different Areas

If you’re an introvert, you probably spend a decent amount of time by yourself. And vice versa for extroverts. It’s just something we’re prone to. But every once in a while, it’s good to do the opposite! Extroverts can gain time for reflection and taking care of little tasks they may have been putting off by spending time alone. Introverts on the other hand, can gain time for outside input, opinions, or even funny stories by spending time with others. It’s a great way for our minds to reset and recharge when we return to our normal routines of being alone or with others most of the time!

Related: Health Aspects To Make A Priority

It’s Worth A Try

If that last one doesn’t feel right still, I ask that you spend a little more time with it and give it some more thought and effort. I truly believe this can be one of the most beneficial ways for us to get back to a better mental space! And if you have your own ideas for resetting and recharging that work for you, please share them in the comments below! You never know when you could make a difference in someone’s life! And as always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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