Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Do You Know What Type Of Resolution To Set?

The countdown to the new year is on and fast approaching. And as with each new year, I have the chance to set new resolutions for myself. But here’s the problem: people, including myself, choose the wrong type of resolution. We say we want to ‘lose weight’ or ‘make more money’. But how can we actually tell if we are reaching those goals?

If you’re like me, then you always pick NY resolutions for yourself. But if you’re also like me, then you have a hard time sticking to them. But that’s okay! Like I said, it’s just because we were picking the wrong type of resolution. In 2019, I picked the first NY resolution I’ve stuck to in a long time. It was simple – Read a book a month. And I did it. And I felt friggin’ amazing about it!

So if you’re still trying to decide which resolutions to set for yourself in the coming year, I’m going to give you the 8 (10 seemed overwhelming but I couldn’t narrow it past 8) that are on my list right now. I might only end up picking about 5 to make a priority, but I’ll give you the full list in case one sparks interest in you. Here they are.

Read A Book A Month

This one is on the list because it was the resolution I accomplished last year and it truly made me feel good! I have always enjoyed reading growing up and the fact that I actually stuck to it means I took the time to do something I enjoyed amidst all the chaos that is the rest of my life. It might be easy for a lot of people to do what I did plus some, but the point sort of is just that. Find something that may seem easy, but watch how life will pop up along the way.

Be More Present

This one is a very important one to me, and it will most likely remain on my priority list going into the new year. For me, it’s being present in all aspects of life. It’s making sure I’m actually enjoying the time I spend with friends and family instead of being worried about what I need to get done. It’s making sure I take the time to have fun and make lasting memories. And take more pictures. What does being present look like to you?

Foster My Relationships

This one is a little different than being present. It actually is focused on my relationships with my loved ones and how I can improve them. It could be finding more time than I already do to be with them and just enjoy it. Or it could be learning something about a friend that I’ve never known before. Maybe it can be opening up about boundaries and insecurities to deepen a friendship. What does it mean to you?

Be More Organized

This one has to do with many aspects of my life again. From finances to scheduling, and even just plain organized as in cleanliness. This has always been a part of me growing up and for a while now I haven’t been the way I once was. So this resolution is to get back to my roots and at the same time ease some stress. What are some things in your life you would like to organize better?

Make More Mistakes

I know this one sounds a bit counter intuitive, but it’s coming from a place of wanting to grow. And I know growth most often comes from difficult times or times where lessons are learned. Personally, I’ve feared making mistakes growing up. But over the past year, the mistakes I’ve made have shaped me more than any ‘safe’ choice I’ve ever made. So I choose to continue to let it see where it takes me!

Be More Confident

Self-confident to be more accurate. Confident in my choices, confident in my abilities, and just confident in who I am. Every little thing about myself. Yes this is a lofty resolution. No I will most likely not achieve it in one year. But any progress I can make on setting boundaries, caring less if I’m liked or not, or putting myself out there will be an accomplishment to me! What is self-confidence to you?

Contribute $1,000 To St. Jude Through ETM

If you follow Earth to Momma, you know that it was started with the intent to make lives better in the homes of those who buy it while also making a difference to those who can’t afford better lives on their own. 5% of net profits are donated to charities that can make a bigger difference than one person can alone. My resolution for 2020 is to be able to make that much more of a difference, and I know it’s possible!

Let Go Of The Past

The past is full of many things that, in my opinion, still affect who I am today. In a lot of good ways, but also in a lot of not so good ways. And I’ve noticed myself harboring onto some negative feelings from the past. (I know, who hasn’t from time to time?) But I know that in order for me to be a better version of myself I need to let go of some of the wrongs that were done to me as well as some I have done myself. My past shapes who I am, but it will not define me.

New Year, New You?

So what are you NY resolutions for yourself? Let us know in the comments below! You never know, you could be the one who helps change someone’s life! And in the case of the saying, ‘New Year, New You’, think more along the lines of ‘New Year, Same You, New Attitude.’ I think it might give you a whole new outlook on the whole resolution thing. And if you need to do some decluttering of your mind first, check out ETM’s blog here.

Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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