Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

The Environment And You

How You Can Save The World

With so much talk about the environment, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what you can do to give back. Heck, it can even seem like there is nothing you can do to make a difference all by yourself. Or like there is so much information that you might not even know what the most pressing issues are. Or maybe, it’s just not something you’ve put much thought into. Whatever the reason may be, I’m here to clear things up for you. I’ll tell you what’s going on with the environment right now and some simple ways you can give back.

If you have a passion for the environment and already contribute in your own way, comment below this post! I love to hear about ways that others are making a difference! Whether it’s at home or within your community, any act of kindness toward the planet is something to be proud of!

First things first. What issues are we facing in the environment right now? According to Conserve Energy Future’s article that you can read here, there are 15 environmental issues being addressed in 2018. They are pollution, global warming, overpopulation, natural resource depletion, waste disposal, climate change, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, ocean acidification, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, water pollution, urban sprawl, public health issues, and genetic engineering. I know, I know… I started this post by saying there’s probably too much information for you to know what you should do for the environment. And then what do I do? Give you a crap ton of information. Well, look at it this way. Those are the top 15 environmental issues, but just pick 5 that you want to contribute to. They could be ones that seem easier to tackle or ones you feel passionately about.

You may need to refer to the article I mentioned above to learn more about what these issues address. Go ahead, take your time. Once you’ve chosen the 5 issues you want to contribute to, come back here. Next, I’ll talk about some ways to give back to the environment through the 5 issues I’ve chosen to contribute to. If I don’t mention some of your issues, check out 50 Ways to Help’s article on ways to help the environment. You can find it here. You’ll find information on simple ways to give back and your issues will be discussed there. So, do you have the 5 issues that you want to contribute to? Awesome! Mine are waste disposal, deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity. And here’s how I can contribute.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


I’ll start with waste disposal. Countries around the globe are producing excessive waste, including plastics, various packaging, etc. Not only does it affect the environment on land, but it is also affecting the oceans. What can someone like me do all by myself to help? Well, I already try to recycle what I can, but the options are almost limitless. I can recycle aluminum, glass, plastics, and electronics. Even old wire hangers and paper/cardboard can be recycled. Lots of these items take a long time to decompose or end up in oceans. Plus, it can even help out your bank account as lots of programs pay you as an incentive to recycle. So it’s a win-win!

Unless Someone Like You Cares, Nothing Is Going To Change


Next is deforestation. Forests are a life source on earth. Not only do they produce oxygen, but they also help regulate temperature and climate. Each year, more of the world’s forests are cut down to create available land and to produce goods. So what can I do to help? I can plant a tree. No, really. Volunteers in India planted 50 million trees in one day! I can go paperless with my bills, or just paperless in general. Or I can create personalized gift wrap instead of buying. I can reduce the amount of junk mail I receive by opting out through a service like Direct Marketing Association. And I can even call the Consumer Credit Reporting Industry to opt-out of insurance and credit card offers. Again, another win-win!

Conserving Is Key

Water pollution is a big one. Not only are plastics and toxic pollutants a problem to our bodies of water, but clean drinking water is still considered a luxury in some parts of the globe. What can I do? I can wait until I have a full load of laundry before washing. I’m sure we all do this one already, but turning off the water while brushing. Research also shows opting for a shower instead of a bath can save half the water usage. Or shortening your shower time by just 2 minutes can save at least 10 gallons of water! I can use a hose with a controllable nozzle when gardening to conserve water. Pro tip: Water first thing in the morning before the sun comes up to avoid excess evaporation. These are just a few ways I can help that require little to no effort on my part!

Efficient Energy

Air pollution is caused by the burning of fossil fuels that releases various gases and toxins. It can have dire consequences not only for the health of humans but for the health of the planet too. So what to do about it? I can switch to energy-efficient light bulbs throughout my house. Also, I can switch from hot to warm on the dryer setting. I can turn off the lights when they’re not in use, or open all the curtains and use natural light instead. I already choose to run errands all at once. Not only does it save me time, but it saves me money on gas and reduces pollution. Also, by maintaining my car and making sure it runs properly, it cuts back on pollution and saves me money too! It’s starting to sound like a good issue to contribute to, huh?

Support Biodiversity


Loss of biodiversity is the result of human activity leading to the extinction of species and habitats. Coral reefs are a topic of concern as they produce oxygen and provide a healthy environment for marine life. But what can I do? Eliminate the use of pesticides and other harsh chemicals around my house. When traveling, I can leave habitats and nature in general untouched if possible. There are even ways to attract wildlife to your community by providing water, food, and shelter. The National Wildlife Federation has a program fit for you and your pace, so check it out!

Feeling good yet? Ready to take some action and start contributing? Great! It’s the little efforts of people combined that will change the world(: And like I said, let me know down below how you rock your superhero cape and save the world!

Until next time, remember to have fun and make life as simple as could be!


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