Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

3 Mantras That Will Change The Way You Live

What’s a mantra? While there is different interpretations, they all revolve around the same foundation. The first syllable, man – coming from man, mana, or manas and meaning ‘mind’ or ‘to think’. The second syllable, tra – meaning ‘tool’. Together they form the basis of the meaning mantra – ‘an instrument of thought’. These 3 mantras have helped change the way I live and continue to do so. Maybe they can help you too!

I Am Enough

Life can feel overwhelming in many different aspects, and it can often feel like we’re not where we want to be or doing as well as we want. But here’s the thing – as long as I’m putting in the effort, I am enough right where I am. And the same goes for you! Because life can more than feel overwhelming, it can be overwhelming. And the only thing that’s required of us as human beings (in my opinion) is to be better today than we were yesterday, and better yet tomorrow. The first of the 3 mantras – repeat it daily: I am enough.

Be Curious, Not Judgmental

There’s a saying that goes, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, always.” Whether it’s the thought that someone hasn’t been through what you’ve been through so how could they understand? Or the thought that someone acted in a way you didn’t approve of so why should you be around them? No matter the thought, just remember someone could be thinking the same exact thing about you. So instead of judging, let’s start conversations with questions instead of assumptions and get to know people for who they really are. The second of the 3 mantras – repeat it daily: Be curious, not judgmental.

Smile More

Some people use the phrase “fake it ’til you make it” but I like to look at it a little differently. I don’t want to fake friendship or love or happiness. I like to look at it as becoming more aware. More aware of the positive things that happen to me, because positive things do happen. And if I allow myself to notice the positive things despite (or even in spite) of the negative things around me, I’ll see more of them. And if I allow myself to see more of them, I allow myself to have more of them in my life. (Even though they were already there in the first place!) The last of the 3 mantras – repeat it daily: Smile more.

Take Each Day As It Comes

When life feels overwhelming and even just is overwhelming, remember to take life one day at a time. We’re not promised tomorrow, and today may not always be fully under our control. But the way we react can be. We can choose to focus on what’s going wrong, or we can choose to still be the version of ourselves that we would want to be if the world were ending today. Okay, I know it’s a bit extreme, but think about it. How would you be acting or thinking or behaving differently if you knew the world was ending tonight?

That’s my life-changing advice for the week, and if you found it helpful and want some more, check out my other life lesson that changed me for the better. As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas and others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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