Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

Don’t Just Deal With Change, Make It Constant

I know I said last week that this week would be the next episode in the DIY series. But, after thinking about it, the 1st of October falls in this week. More towards the end though. So really, the first week of October is next week. It’s coming, I promise – Stay tuned!

Currently, I’ve been going through a bit of a difficult season. But I know it comes and goes for everyone. So I wanted to share things that have been helping me get through mine. And if they can help someone, somewhere out there, that’s all I can ask for!

And as always, feel free to click the photo to watch the video (when it finally uploads!)

Otherwise, it’s another short and simple one. So let’s get to it!

Seek Out Input

When we feel overwhelmed and stressed with change, it can be easy to feel like we’re facing our problem alone. But, we’re only as alone as we allow ourselves to be. Humans are a species of connection, so reach out. Seek out friends, family, and other loved ones and ask their input. And I do mean input, not advice. Yes, it’s nice to hear if someone else’s thoughts are in line with our own! But what if they’re not? That doesn’t always mean they’re right. In honesty, we’re the ones who know ourselves and what would be best for us, well, best. So seek out inout from loved ones, but take it with a grain of salt.

One Change At A Time

Sometimes, life has a way of presenting us with a lot of change at once. Whether it’s a job change that requires relocating, becoming a parent, losing a loved one. Or anything else for that matter! And when we have a lot to tackle, sometimes we can be left feeling stuck. So decide what needs to get tackled now, whether it’s due to an approaching deadline or higher on our priority list. And tackle it. Then repeat and repeat until it’s all sorted out. And I know this isn’t always possible and sometimes we have to make a lot of choices like, right now. Well, take care of those, and then try this out!

Go For It

You’ve sought outside input and you’ve gotten opposing views, not knowing where to go now. You’ve sought outside input and you’ve gotten similar views, but you’re still nervous. Just go for it! Whether or not it works out, there will be something to take away from it. You’ve broken it down into actionable steps and figured out the most important thing to tackle right now, but you’re feeling stuck. You feel like if you make a decision, you might have regret or remorse. Just go for it! Even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll learn. You’ll grow. You’ll be able to say you tried. 99% of the time, people regret the things they didn’t do, not the things they did. So I’ll say it one more time, just got for it!

A Change Of The Season

Although we may all deal with difficult seasons in our life, they all come and go like the seasons of nature. So try to rest and recharge. (Tips on how here.) And when we’re faced with change, let’s not just deal with it. Let’s embrace it! As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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