Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

8 Things Parents & Caregivers Should Keep In Their Car

When it comes to organization, I don’t know if I could live without some form of it! From planners to help with scheduling, to calendars to help with important dates, and any other thing I can make work. But when it comes to on-the-go, there are certain things that all caregivers of any sort should keep with them. And I’m not talking about your typical diaper bag or hospital bag. The things I’m going to talk about should be kept in your car 24/7 and replenished when needed.

So if you’re a parent, a caregiver for the elderly, or well, just anyone in general, here are 8 things you should keep in your car. (There will be no video this week as I’m waiting for older posts to catch up. Please bare with me as they make their way to their rightful home!)

First Aid Kit

Whether you’re going minimal and basic or over the top, the style is completely up to you. As long as you have the kit, that’s all that matters! What basic things should be included? Bandages, gauze, antiseptic/alcohol pads, gloves, and medicine are basics that should be in every on-the-go first aid kit. Of course you can always add as much to it as you want, but these are things that should always be in your vehicle in case of an emergency!

Roadside Kit

A roadside kit is a bit different. Whereas you might need to use a first aid kit on a simple outing to the park, a roadside kit is meant for emergencies. Hopefully you’ll never have to use it, but better safe than sorry! In it, keep some jumper cables, a tool kit or multipurpose tool, flares, emergency blanket, and spare tire needs. Of course you can always customize it by adding baby items, pet supplies, senior needs, and/or boredom antidotes!

Wet Wipes/Hand Sanitizer

The tool of all tools! Whether it’s to wipe dirty faces, clean hands for any purpose, in case of ’emergencies’ (if you know what I mean), or any other thing you can think of. Kids especially are always putting things in their mouth, so making sure things stay a bit cleaner than otherwise is key!

Water & Non-Perishable Snacks

What keeps you alive in worst case scenarios but also keeps the calm on long car rides. Staying hydrated is super important to our health, and there could be a time where you aren’t able to get to a water source. Keep it in your car at all times but make sure to use reusable bottles that are insulated and cleanable/refillable! And when it comes to snacks, feel free to keep your faves on hand too, but make sure to keep non-perishables in the car at all times for those situations that we hope never happen but very well could!

Related: Fall Fundamentals

Weather Necessities

Whether it’s cold and windy, or hot and dry, it’s always important to keep weather gear in your car. If that’s a hat and a pair of hiking boots, great! If it’s sunscreen and bug spray, awesome! No matter what the weather is like in your specific area, be prepared in case you run into unexpected circumstances. I mean, it’s always better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it!

Safety Devices

A lot of times, these items are geared more towards women. But in reality, everyone can benefit from them if used in a sensible and appropriate manner! From tasers to pepper spray for defense tools, to a Swiss army knife or window smasher for getting out of sticky situations. The ironic thing is that you should have these with you just in case, even though they’re not something you ever want to actually use. But if it’s your life on the line, or your loved ones, better not take chances!

Change Of Clothing

This is perhaps one category that might not matter so much if you’re traveling by yourself and for short periods of time. But if you’re a caretaker of any sort, you know how much this comes in handy! From Little One’s blow outs to elderly’s accidents, things pop up and we all realize that. But what if our day didn’t have to go from bad to worse because we’re not caught off guard this time? This time, we’re prepared to handle the situation and get back on track!

Spare Charger

This is probably the one thing that half of people can’t leave home without, and the other half it wouldn’t even cross their mind. But, when it comes to safety reasons, it’s a life-saver! Even if your phone is at 100% before you leave home, still grab that charger. Even if it’s a short trip from here to there, bring that charger. The odds of actually needing it are low, but in this day and age, it’s a lifeline when things go wrong. Maybe even consider leaving a spare in your car or purse for on-the-go needs!

Got Anymore?

What about you? Are you able to think of anything you wouldn’t leave home without that I didn’t mention? If so, drop ’em in the comments below! You literally could be the one who helps save someone’s life someday! And if there’s anything else that you think would be a good topic for me to go over next, let’s hear it! As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas and others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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