Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

How To Be A Step Ahead Going Into 2021?

It’s officially the last week of 2020. How do you look at that? I look at it in a bittersweet way. Sweet because going into a new year has this energy around it that inspires, motivates, and changes people for the better. Bitter in the sense that there’s this common ‘trap’ people tend to get stuck in. I used to fall into this trap every year. Thinking new year, new me. But each day is a chance to start fresh! Each day is an opportunity to be better and do better than the day before. So for those who like setting New Years resolutions, here is a blog dedicated to resolutions, or goals, to set for the new year.

But for those who are looking for a change in mindset, perspective, or don’t need a new year to want to make a change, this is for you. Personally, I like to set NY resolutions for myself. And if you know me, you know that I’ve changed my mindset to creating resolutions for myself that are accomplishable and will help improve certain areas of my life. But I also like to reflect at any time during the year and create goals that will help me become a better me. And here’s what they are this time.


When there’s a lot going on and I feel overwhelmed, one of the first goals I set for myself is decluttering. My whole life basically. From my mind to my work space to my living area. When it comes to the areas that aren’t ‘visible’, the first thing I do is turn to my journal. Once I get everything out of my head and onto paper, it seems a lot easier to look at what needs attention. Plus, the practice of getting it all out of my head in the first place helps me feel more calm to begin with.

When it comes to the areas of life that are visible, like my living and work spaces, I turn to someone else. Not to do it for me, but for guidance on where to even begin. Plus, a little inspiration on things I wouldn’t even think of myself don’t hurt either. This time I’ve been inspired by celebrity pros and common bloggers alike! Check out some of the ideas, like utilizing space and a ‘clutter-free in 30 days’ calendar here and here.

Pursue A Passion

I read a quote by Rachel Hollis that said, “I want you to know that you haven’t lost control of life…because you never had control to begin with.” Even though we sometimes allow ourselves to be under the illusion that we’re in control, we’re not. This year has proven that to us. But it’s also proven that we can do anything we out our minds too. We can brave a pandemic, a global shutdown, and a very heated presidential election and still live. We can do all that while still dealing with our own personal issues that that others don’t know about.

So why can’t we do all that while doing something that will change or benefit or just bring happiness to us? Well, some people have already decided to! Whether it’s pursuing a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try or working on starting that side hustle you’ve been going back and forth about just going for it. Pursue your passion! This year I’ve learned that I love creating with my hands. From macrame to wood art to painting to Legos, and I’m just getting started!

Practice More Empathy

If there’s one thing I already knew that this year made extra clear to me, it’s that every person I meet is going through something I don’t know about. And I’ll bet it’s true for you too. Maybe you know someone who had COVID and had a horrible time. You might know an essential worker who had to put in overtime to keep the world going. Maybe you had a loved one get diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. Perhaps you’ve been trying to conceive but haven’t had your dream become a reality yet. Maybe none of that is true for you, but it sure is for someone out there. Maybe even someone you know.

One of the things I’ve been trying to work on is putting myself in others shoes. Sometimes I actually know what’s going on and imagining how it would be for me to handle it can give me the perspective I need. Other times I have no idea what’s going on and it helps to remind myself of the hard seasons I’ve gone through where it felt impossible to keep going. Communication is key in life, but we’re all guilty of not being the best at it sometimes. So instead of getting angry or upset or giving up on someone, try reminding yourself to practice empathy and think about how it would feel if you were in a difficult situation.

One Day At A Time

So if you’re feeling bittersweet about NY resolutions, take the time today to try out one of these ideas to be a step ahead. Anyone can do it, and it can even help inspire you to think of resolutions of your own for the new year. Plus, it helps in general to feel less stressed and less overwhelmed. Declutter and you might find the motivation to take on new tasks you’ve been putting off. Pursue a passion for fun and you might find that you can make some money from it. Practice more empathy and you might find that others around you will practice it with you in return.

And instead of putting extra pressure on yourself to take on new challenges while taking on a new year, take it one day at a time. Like I said earlier, each day is a new chance, a new opportunity to do and be better. No one is promised tomorrow. But we’re here right now, today. So take this time to work on getting where you want to go and who you want to become. Mistakes will happen. You’ll most likely get frustrated at points. But to me, it’s worth it. Thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with others alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth To Momma

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