Earth to Momma

Simple As Could Be

5 Ideas To Let Your Creative Side Bloom

At first I was pissed off. At first I broke down and cried a little bit. And I don’t really care what anyone else thinks. From having my part time job shut down and losing 1/2 my income to having business at ETM slow a lot and basically losing my second 1/2 of income, I was losing my mind to say the least. I needed an idea.

So what did I do? I applied for (traditional) unemployment. My award – $0. Great. So I was waiting on receiving that stimulus check being sent out to everyone. But it turns out as my fiancé and I file together, meaning he claimed me as a dependent, and we’re not married yet, I don’t get one. Terrific.

This is about the time I really lose my mind. I broke down. How can things work out like this? How can the system be this broken? I don’t care about the extra $600/week, I just need something to get by. By this time I heard about the PUA program specifically for people who have lost income due to COVID. This is how I can get help.

But…I can’t apply until the 28th. And on top of that, I have to cancel my current claim in order to apply for a new claim. But I can’t do that because the system’s page has crashed (probably due to the overload of people like me trying to do the same thing.)

So what can I do now? Well, in reality, not much. I can wait for the system to fix itself so I can cancel my claim and try again. But I mean what can I do to keep my mind off of all this? Because I really need to keep my mind off of all this! I need ideas!

Light bulb! I can distract myself. I can find things to keep the right side of my brain occupied so the left side can’t start thinking of more reasons to go crazy. (Because we all have reasons!) So, without further ado, here are 7 things to do to let your creative side bloom! (And let your logical side rest!)

1) Bake (Or Cook)

I have been trying to fill our pantry with items that I can turn into fun experiments. And I call them experiments rather than recipes because some I can’t necessarily nail my first time around. But that’s fine by me! One of my favorite new recipes to make (I call it that now because I know I can make it) is Dutch Baby Pancakes. My best friend sent me this recipe and I am so sooo grateful she did! We incorporate it into our ‘to-make’ list once/week!

A lot of the recipes I’ve tried have actually turned into a household tradition. (Definitely not all of them though!) Another recipe that I’ve made for years though and will always continue to make is Rice Krispies treats. Luckily for me this is one of my fiancé’s all-time favorite sweet snacks and they’re super easy to make! The best part, not only can these 2 recipes be made using one pot/pan, they are quick too! Mommas rejoice!

Another recipe (yes, I think I’ve mastered this one too) is a mirror glaze for cakes. If you haven’t tried this yet, I highly recommend! Not only is it fun, but it’s a completely new style of baking that I truly enjoy! I made funfetti cupcakes instead of cake and tried to make a funfetti-theme glaze. Not bad if I do say so myself. And the best part is it’s super easy too! Plus, you can use your own ideas and add your own flare and style to it!

2) Love Your Hair

For the past week, I took it upon myself to try a new hairstyle each day. Well, minus 1 day, but I’m still going! And the best part is, as I’m pretty sure we’re all looking for right now, they’re easy and quick! They all took under 10 minutes, and some of them only took a couple! Pair that with no makeup or a natural look for a little more laid-back style.

You can really go as far (or not) as you like. The point for me is to distract my brain from being overwhelmed and this was a great way to do that. Plus, once I got to day 3, I had this ‘streak’ behind me that I didn’t want to lose and have to start over. That part really helped keep me going if you ask me! I experimented with different styles of braids, some buns, some half-up half-down looks, and some different twists.

I’ve even incorporated a hair mask and hair vitamin throughout the week since I need a haircut so very badly and I can’t go get it done. Anyone else start to shed really bad when they need a haircut or is it just me? Just me? Oh, okay. Well, a hair mask/vitamin is still really helpful anyway! And detangler is a life-saver!

3) Love Your Skin

I can’t begin to tell you how much my skin has been affected since all this has happened. I know stress can really mess with our bodies in all sorts of ways, but I wan’t expecting this! So as I think I’ve mentioned before, I have become skincare obsessed recently. I’ve even gone out of my normal comfort zone and tried new ideas.

But it goes further than just skincare! There’s types of care for the whole body. It’s soaking in a bath with lavender scented epsom salt (which just the sound of makes me want to go do right now.) Or slathering on a bunch of sunscreen before spending time in the sun. The possibilities are close to endless when you let yourself really be creative!

Personally, I do both the things I just mentioned plus a whole lot more. I use all sorts of face masks. I’ve tried the nose blackhead strips. Every once in a while I’ll find a tutorial on a celebrity’s skincare routine and try that just for the heck of it. To be honest, some of them are really pointless. But it’s a distraction like I said. And a distraction that works!

4) Interior Design/Renovate

With this one I don’t try to go too crazy. I am by no means great with picturing how projects will look when they’re finished. I am by no means an engineer nor do I have the mind or ideas of one. And a lot of the time, my projects look like a child did it. But that is fine by me! It’s the fact that I tried something that really matters to me, no matter how it turns out. (And yes, if I’m being honest, sometimes I’m pretty upset when it doesn’t turn out.)

But, with all that said, I have tried a multitude of projects lately to spark my creative side and it works! My fiancé and I turned an old baby gate into a shoe rack for our outdoor shoes. We cleaned off our entire deck outdoors and rearranged everything from the grill, to the potted plants, and everything in between. We’ve saved pins on Pinterest for new furniture and decoration ideas (for when we can afford them.) You name it!

If you’ll notice, I’m saying ‘we’. This is because a lot of the ideas I have are a little large for one person to handle. But I also have been tackling smaller projects by myself! From going through our winter wardrobe and switching them out for warmer season clothes to rearranging the house to feel more open and cozy (in my opinion.) This is a creative subject that really does have endless possibilities!

5) Arts & Crafts

Yes this might be easier and more appealing for some with little Little Ones around, but I personally love arts and crafts anyway! If I’m being 100% honest, I even love Legos. And yes I’m being serious. I also love drawing, gardening, macramé, and lots of other things! And yes, I even love the arts and crafts meant for children. Especially making them for children!

I know Mommas out there with little Little Ones, and I love finding new ideas for them to try with their kids! From simple ones like making shapes with hot glue on parchment paper and ‘treasure hunting’ for them in sand to more complex ones that teach them shapes and colors using connect-the-dots and animals. I save all the fun and cool ideas I come across and share, share, share!

I love using arts and crafts as a way to distract myself because almost always I have something cool to display around the house or share with a loved one! Plus it’s one of the easiest ways to activate the creative side of my brain because that’s purely what I’m focusing on channeling my energy into!

Buried Or Planted?

One of my favorite quotes says, “A lot of times we think we’ve been buried when really we’ve been planted. So bloom.” I love this quote because it reminds me that sometimes when I’m in a dark place, I’m being prepared for the brightness ahead (so to speak.) So I just need to be patient, maybe distract myself a little for now, and continue on the path.

What do you think? Do you have any ideas to let your creative side bloom? Share ’em in the comments below! You never know, you could help someone through some of their darkest times! And if you’re looking for more ways to keep your calm and cool during overwhelm, check out ETM’s blog here.

As always, thank you so very much for being a part of ETM’s community of Mommas! I encourage you to join discussions, interact with Mommas alike, and be unapologetically yourself! Until next time, I hope I’m able to help make your life as simple as could be. (:

With all my love, Brandolyn – Earth to Momma

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